Hello my fellow fans!
Today I'm going to tell you about my features!!!!!!
Now the first one is THE DAILY PUPPY!!!!!!!
The Daily Puppy is a new picture of a puppy every day!!!!!
So tell the puppy lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The second is Feeding Fish!!!!!!!!
This one is that if you move your mouse on the white than they follow you hoping that you will feed them
How to feed them is that you click on the white.
The third new one that I just installed now is an MP3 player.
You can buy songs, you can listen to small parts of songs, and you can even buy an MP3 PLAYER FOR AN AWSOME DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The last one is Wic Wac Woe!
It's the same thing as tic tac toe.
So there I've added new things to my blog that are fun to play or look or hear with!!!!!
Have a good day.