The Merengue is a wonderful dance that came from the Dominican Republic.
The Merengue got its name from the confection of sugar and egg whites.
The Merengue is made up of two dances, the African, and the French Minuet.
You stand in a circle in the Merengue, men on the inside, ladies on the outside.
In this dance, as Ms. Barbara says, “you have to shake what yo mamas gave ya.”
Also “you need to have crispy chicken elbow, peanut butter on the arms, feet together, and eye to eye.”
The Merengue was very hard to learn because you have to shake what your mamas gave ya, hold on to your dance position, and actually look at and touch your partner.
In the circle you can move counter-clockwise or clockwise which is named “paso de la empalizada” or “stickfence step.”
This is the Merengue.
Dear Max. Im a Spanish admirer of your blog. I know how to dance the merengue... Would you like me to teach you? ;)