Before Percius had a terrible movie and terrible hair.
Now he has more realistic hair and a son.
What could possibly go wrong?
Rating: PG-13
Time: 99 min
Wrath Of The Titans is a sequel to its prequel Clash Of The Titans.
This one brings you all new characters and DEMONS!
It's like Percius 7 years later from the first movie.
I don't know if that's how you spell his name.
This movie was one of those movies where a brother hates his sibling who is a bad guy.
It's kind of like Jack and Jill but they're not twins and they're trying to kill each other.
Like the first movie this movie goes bye super fast.
A lot happens and the writer knows how to cram it into 99 min when it deserves like 135min.
The war passes bye like that and spoiler alert it doesn't take long for Percius to kill that giant lava monster at the end of the commercial.
The women in this movie Rosamund Pike, I think they want her to be an important character but no one really notices her.
This movie is a little predictable but I think only at the end.
I think not everybody did great in this movie but in the end it was pretty good because there wasn't any boring parts except when they talk and you don't what they mean.
Anyways my rating for this movie is...