It had the same formula just in a more important situation.
One awesome guy gets stuck in a building that a whole bunch of terrorists have taken over.
The only thing is that this particular building is the white house.
Rating: R
Time: 120 min
Stars: Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman
You something else that gets on my nerves about this movie, on Tuesday a trailer came out for another movie.
This movie is called White House Down.
I'm not sure who copied who in this situation, all I know is that the two movies look exactly the same.
The only difference is that in White House Down there is two guys who get stuck in the White House.
I'm not sure characters, but the actors are Chaning Tantum and Jamie Foxx.
Unfortunately it will be very hard for me to see White House Down because I go to Spain every summer.
But even though I will probably not see it, I will try best to.
And if I do I will definitely compare it to this movie.
But anyways enough with the nonsense and let's go on to the review.
So the plot in this movie is that these terrorists invade the White House.
They got the president held hostage and there's only one man still in there that's not dead and that's Gerard Butler.
So what was good in the movie?
Well first of all the action in this movie was so awesome!
The guns and the explosions were great!
I knew that it wasn't the real White House but if I had never been to Washington I might have thought so.
Also the acting wasn't bad.
I mean it wasn't like Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight but it wasn't bad either.
And the movie did a good mixture of awesomeness and action with meaning.
There were some moments that were personal to the characters.
And I think that they blended it really well.
But all in all it was entertaining and that's the biggest factor.
Now what wasn't good in this movie.
This movie is cliche!
I mean it has so many patriot cliches in it that are stupid.
Like when the terrorists take over they throw the American flag off the White House.
And this movie is also very predictable!
I knew everything that was going to happen next.
And that brings me to my next point!
This movie has the same formula!
I've seen it all before!
Mostly in Die Hard.
But anyways even though there are some bad things to this movie I can understand it's point.
It's point isn't to win an Oscar, it's to make money and to make people have fun with it.
If you're going to see this movie don't go in there thinking it's going to be really good and intellectual.
Go in there and expect to have a fun time and nothing more.