Saturday, May 29

The Final Two!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome ladies and gentlemen!!
Welcome two the final two!!!!!!!!!!!
Many people have voted but only two made it too the finals!!!
Now it's time to announce the final two!!!!!!!
Coming in first is...

Congratulations Mirna your idea went to the finals!!!!!!!!!!
Now it's up to hello joke or interviewing...
And the loser is...

Sorry my mom but your idea didn't make it.
But to my second grade teacher Ms. Marcella...
And this time if you want to vote you have to send 1 to for soccer.
And 2 for interviewing to the same place.
Good luck to all and have a good day.
Till next time,
See ya!!!

Monday, May 24

Just a little break from the competition

Don't worry!!!!!
This is not the the post for the final two post just incase if you don't read the names of post titles!
This is just a little break from the competition thats called...
RAZOR DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today exactly at 6:00 when my school ends before my dad picked me up (he was 2 minutes late but he wasn't the latest parent.)I knew it was RAZOR DOOM!!!!!!!!!!
A kid walked in my school with his babysitter and asked if they could use the bathroom.
My school said "yes."
And after that the kid and his babysitter walked into the bathroom, shut the door, and locked the door.
This kid had a bloody face and a bloody knee.
Then somebody told one of my schools teachers that this kid was riding his scooter and tripped.(Sorry that I listened to your talk just incase if it was secret.)
I wondered how could a kid get so bloody for falling off a scooter?
I've fell off a scooter plenty of times and never gotten a centimeter bloody.
Then one of my other teachers who was outside told someone else the true story.
This kid had fallen off a scooter and landed right on top of glass. (Sorry for this listening too.)
Then I noticed that this kid was screaming the whole time he was in the bathroom.
After that the kid left, I saw that he had a razor scooter right at the second my dad came in.
This story is a true story...

Sunday, May 23

The Final Three!!!!!

It's here...
The post blog results are counted...
And now...
THE FINAL THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the final three is...
Mirna my Godmother!!!!!!!
She sent in a idea about the soccer world cup!!!!!!
I do love soccer.
The second person is...
My 2nd grade teacher !!!!!
She sent in something about interviewing somebody and putting the results on this blog.
I do love many people!
And last is...

MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She sent in something that said
Hello?Hello?Hellloooooooo?Can you see me?
She was trying to fix the computer.
But I couldn't decide out of these three so...
I'm letting you!!!
Go vote up in the voting booth and vote for the final two.
The final two results will come up next week some time.
Well till next time...
P.S. You can still comment your ideas on to the blog, it's just you won't get a prize, you'll just get your idea as a post.
And to the final three the winners idea will also be published.
And good luck!!!
P.S.S. ONce you have voted please don't look at the voting booth until different voting question comes up.

Wednesday, May 19

Attention Attention All Eyes To This Post!!!!!!!

Attention attention all eyes to this post!!!!!!!!!!!!
X ZooMz is running out of ideas!!!!!
And it needs your help!!!
Type your idea into this posts comment box and maybe you can be the one!!!
Only some ideas will be chosen to be on this blog.
You can send in anything you want whenever you want.
And if you're the first person to send in a good idea than I'll write a post about how awesome you are!!!!!
So hurry, up time is ticking and a tocking.
YOU CAN WIN, YOU WILL WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 10

Iron Man 2 Was Awesome!!!!!!!

On a Sunday night me,my mom,and my brother went to go see Iron Man 2 in theaters.
We watched the movie from 7:00 to 9:15.
Blah blah blah let's stop talking about things that have nothing to do with the movie.
So-in the movie there was Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) War Machine (Don Cheadle) and The Ugly Bad Guy (Mickey Rourke).
These are all of the people in the movie that got to wear an Iron Man suit.
How many stars would I give the movie?
I would give it 5 stars.
Who was the best actor?
I would have to say Robert Downey Jr. and Mickey Rourke.
Which was better Iron Man 1 or Iron Man 2?
I say Iron Man 2 but many people say Iron Man 1.
My favorite part about the movie is the last part in the movie when Iron Man and War Machine are in this place that looks like a jungle.
They start destroying all these robots and then they fight The Ugly Bad Guy.
The movie was awesome!!!!
You should go to this movie if your mom or dad lets you see PG-13 movies.
You should also go if your not afraid of of action and adventure movies.
I mostly recommend this movie for boys but girls can enjoy it too.
Thank you for reading this post.
Peace out america!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 2

What happens if you don't go to college

What happens if you don't go to college?
Well you end up getting a really boring bad job.
Like toll booth guy.
You only get payed enough to get some food for yourself.
You don't get a break time for like three hours!!!
And there is NO bathroom!!!!!
And what if some one has an EZ-Pass than you get no money at all!
Many bad things can happen if you don't go to college.
Like if you want to be a journalist, if you don't go to college you can't be one!
Some people think college is a waist of time.
They think college isn't going to change anything.
Well they think wrong!

Saturday, May 1