On a Sunday night me,my mom,and my brother went to go see Iron Man 2 in theaters.
We watched the movie from 7:00 to 9:15.
Blah blah blah let's stop talking about things that have nothing to do with the movie.
So-in the movie there was Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) War Machine (Don Cheadle) and The Ugly Bad Guy (Mickey Rourke).
These are all of the people in the movie that got to wear an Iron Man suit.
How many stars would I give the movie?
I would give it 5 stars.
Who was the best actor?
I would have to say Robert Downey Jr. and Mickey Rourke.
Which was better Iron Man 1 or Iron Man 2?
I say Iron Man 2 but many people say Iron Man 1.
My favorite part about the movie is the last part in the movie when Iron Man and War Machine are in this place that looks like a jungle.
They start destroying all these robots and then they fight The Ugly Bad Guy.
The movie was awesome!!!!
You should go to this movie if your mom or dad lets you see PG-13 movies.
You should also go if your not afraid of of action and adventure movies.
I mostly recommend this movie for boys but girls can enjoy it too.
Thank you for reading this post.
Peace out america!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I liked Iron Man 1 better, but both were good. It still is strange to see Mickey Rourke as the ugly bad guy when he used to play the good looking (bad and) good guy (back in the old days:) But moving on....Robert Downey Jr. is great, Don Cheadle is one of my faves, and well....cool suit.