Hello all fans of this blog!!!
Thank you guys for making ballroom dancing the first best post in one day!!!!!!
It has been my best record ever the ballroom dancing post.
So lets see if you can do the opposite with Justin Bieber!!!
And the same with this post!!!!
So today I'm going to ask you what is better than pizza?
Some of you say nothing because you hate pizza.
Well here's a comment.
Your Justin Bieber!!!!
Some you say nothing because you love pizza.
Well your wrong!
I know something that's better than pizza.
I'll tell you the first four letters.
And its name is Justin Bieber!!!!!!!!!
No I'm kidding.
It doesn't start with poop only Justin Bieber does.
The first four letters are choc and the last letter is a.
It has two words in it.
The first word is chocolate.
And the last word is...
Yes its a Chocolate Pizza!!!!
With strawberry's on top!!!
You only can get it at Enoteca!!!!!!
(No you can't) :(
We are friends with one of the workers there so he gave us a special treat.
So that's all I have to say Chocolate Pizza!!!
Bye bye!!!! :)
P.S. People who think pizza is the worst thing ever are wrong!
Justin Bieber is!!!!!
La Tortilla de Patata.