Hello all fans of this blog!!!!!
Well I'm sorry we had to cancel our No One Day but this you will LOVE.
Sorry girls in my class!
But this will get me lots of hits!!!
Well, well, well.
In school there are these girls who are raising money to get cats and dogs for kids with cancer.
Which I think is messed up because I can't sell pins for 25cent, but they can get a whole lot more money then that for free?!
God, why did you make school something real????
So where was I?
Oh yes!!!
So these girls seem so sweet and nice.
These girls are making other girls cry.
They won't let these other girls in because they don't want them in.
So they make excuses like "Sorry! There's already too many people!"
But then another girl they like asks and they say "Sure!! There's a spot for everybody!!!"
You know we might be young but were not stupid.
Well then the girl runs away and starts to cry.
But she doesn't have the guts to tell the teacher.
Then when it's lunch time this one teacher calls them over to sit and talk at a private table.
Wow they were going far with this!!!!!!!!!
Everybody tries to sneak and hear what their saying but this one girl pushes them away.
Then this girl starts crying because looking at them makes her fell bad.
Now on the other hand I wanted to get down to the bottom of this.
So I go talk to some people.
Someone said their lying and keeping the money for them self.
Another person said the teacher was getting on their side.
And another one said that Justin Bieber lives in a retirement home.
Then I over here some girls trash talking about it.
So I go over to them.
They tell me the whole story I just told you and say that it's pay back time.
They know I get huge hits on this blog (xzoomz) so they want me to post it on my blog.
Then they want me to link it to them.
So they give me their emails.
Then I look all around the lunch room to find paper and a pen.
Then a teacher (The Cop) says if I move again I'll get big trouble for my class.
And right at that moment my teacher shows up.
I 'm ready to get in line when then the girls who told me the story come up.
They say to actually not do the revenge and to not post it on my blog which you see I'm doing.
See I told ya!
No girl, has guts!
I don't listen to them and instead I rise the payback to maximum level.
(But they don't know that yet.)
Then there was a commotion with my teacher.
She said that they will speak later.
At the end of the day my teacher talked to the class.
"Okay I've heard there has been a problem with this cancer thing. But they won't let other boys a-" "NONE OF THE BOYS CARE!!!" Some boy yelled. She ignores him and continues. "But they won't let other girls join because there are already too many other girls who have joined. But that doesn't mean you can't start your own little club!"
Really Ms. Certner?
Well then school's out and the journey stops.
If there is any other troubles about this crisis I will write them down for you.
Only at xzoomz.blogspot.com!!!!!!!!
P.S. Ms. Certner I really didn't mean it as much said it was, so see you tomorrow!!!
¿Que fuerte!