Tuesday, January 17

I Just Don't Know Why

I just don't know why!
5th grade has been the worst year of my life and I just don't know why!
Maybe it's because of my new teachers, it's the first time that I've had a man teacher!
Maybe it's because of my new classmates!
There are only really two people I hang out with in there!
Or maybe it's because of that dumb new thing they're doing that's called BAX.
Man I hate that!
I hate it so much that people started to say MAX LOVES BAX, MAX LOVES BAX!
But really, I don't know who this Max is!
Maybe they were saying GEORGE LOVES BAX TO THE MAX!
Or maybe it's because my house is being renovated so I had to stay in one room with my whole family for two months!
Or maybe it's all of these things!!!!
Who's to know?
Oh wait, I KNOW!!!
These things were only 1/10 of what made this year stink!
Anyways, new year, new personality!
No, that's not possible!
No one's going to change.

1 comment:

  1. It's called "ups and downs"! We all have them. Some days, months and/or years are better than others. That's life! Go with the flow and you're right about people not changing very much... Although you're still young enough to make an effort; if it's that important, of course!

    Love you, your aunt,
