I just want to punch Adam Sandler in the face.
Rating: R
Time: 116 min
Three words to express this movie, stupid, funny, stupid.
This movie is about a kid who has a inappropriate relationship with his teacher that results in a pregnancy.
That plot, that whole blurb is stupid and gross and just pushes away audiences.
But before I get into the bad things, I need to get into the good or okay things.
Pretty much the best thing about this movie is Vanilla Ice.
He's funny and just a character that you love in a movie like this.
But you can't really give him any credit because he's acting himself.
He makes the whole movie.
Another thing that was good in the movie was the soundtrack.
It was right for the moment and usually wasn't a bad song.
And now the bad stuff.
Adam Sandlers voice in this movie was so annoying and so ear shattering that you just wanted to punch him in the face.
He keeps on talking and talking and he will never shut up!
Another thing that was bad in this movie is that everyone was loose.
Everyone besides the bar tender in the strip club.
But that doesn't because she only has three lines in the whole movie.
This movie was really predictable also, you could imagine what was going to happen next and it did!
I like Adam Sandler movies like "Happy Gilmore" and "Big Daddy" but this movie disappointed me.
Well I can't really say that because I kind of expected what was going to happen.
I would recommend this movie to 10 year olds.
Everyone else would hate it.
I'm going to Spain for the summer and there will be no internet in my apartment.
I'll to keep on adding movie reviews whenever I can though.
But until then, have a great summer!
See you in August/September!