We had the baby version now lets have the dark version!
Rating: PG-13
Time: 127 min
The fact that two versions of the same movie come out in the same 6 months is so dumb!
Mirror Mirror was terrible, cheesy and boring so lets this one!
This movie was dark, it did not make you feel good and that's what was smart and well done about it.
The bad guy is an actual bad guy, she has no mercy and she actually has a point of being the bad guy.
She's not friends with Snow White, she locks her in a prison cell and in front of her kills the king (her dad.)
And I hate Kristen Stewart, I think she plays the same roll in every movie, dull and sad.
But in this movie it works because how would you feel if you saw your dad being murdered and you were locked up in a stinky gray room for your whole life.
That's another thing I liked, I think all the actors fit their part very well.
I liked Chris Hemsworth, I thought he fit the part very well.
Now what I didn't like, I didn't like the plot, I thought it was confusing and not very well thought out.
The movie felt like it didn't give any time to think it just blasted you with a whole bunch of stuff all at once.
There is too much action!
There's this one scene in the movie where they're in a valley of peace and faries, they see this majestic unicorn and then it gets an arrow straight through the head!
I also didn't connect with the dwarves, they didn't really do anything in the movie and some of them were normal sized people.
I also thought that there were some things in there that are unexpected but dumb!
Like when she escapes from the tower there just happens to be a horse there waiting for her.
Anyways I would recommend this movie to anyone has nothing to do on the weekend.
Next movie is from the guy who brought you Bedtime Stories. (Adam Sandler edition!)
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