Spiderman with Emma Stone, can't wait! (Sarcasm)
One Adam Sandler is okay but two, I shiver at the thought.
Rating: PG
Time: 91 min
Stars: Adam Sandler, Adam Sandler
Adam Sandler as a woman, well he’s played more stupid parts.
As every other post I always start off with the good and then the bad.
Now what was good…
Now lets get to the bad.
The plot was bad and it was confusing.
All the characters (even Al Pacino)
They were all so annoying and so hard to even watch.
But the worst character was Al Pacino, (I was surprised too.)
How could such a good and famous actor be in such a bad movie?
I didn’t really think there was a problem the director could agree on.
The whole movie was confusing and mixed up.
I didn’t really think that Adam Sandler as a boy was really that important.
It had also seemed that Adam Sandler wasn’t really in his role in this movie.
To make it clearer and short it was one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
Sometimes I think Adam Sandler tries to make terrible movies.
I recommend this movie to anybody who hates life.
A PG movie with Zach Galafanakis, well he must be the physcho, he he he…
Rating: PG
Time: 90 min
Stars: Antonio Banderas, Zach Galafinakis
This movie is based apon the cat in Shreck before they even met.
So let me start with what I liked about the movie.
I liked the characters, I thought all of them were unique in their own ways.
I liked the cats voice and I love Antonio Banderas.
I liked the colors.
I know that’s not much but everything else was okay or bad.
Anyways now lets get to the things I didn’t like.
What I didn’t like about this movie is that it was very predictable.
I would know what would happen before it happened.
I didn’t like the bad guy because I didn’t think it was that much of a bad guy.
I didn’t like how when they were kids and the town hated them, liked them, hated them and on.
I didn’t like other things but if said them it would kind of be a spoiler.
I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes fairy tales, Shreck, cats, and animation.