One Adam Sandler is okay but two, I shiver at the thought.
Rating: PG
Time: 91 min
Stars: Adam Sandler, Adam Sandler
Adam Sandler as a woman, well he’s played more stupid parts.
As every other post I always start off with the good and then the bad.
Now what was good…
Now lets get to the bad.
The plot was bad and it was confusing.
All the characters (even Al Pacino)
They were all so annoying and so hard to even watch.
But the worst character was Al Pacino, (I was surprised too.)
How could such a good and famous actor be in such a bad movie?
I didn’t really think there was a problem the director could agree on.
The whole movie was confusing and mixed up.
I didn’t really think that Adam Sandler as a boy was really that important.
It had also seemed that Adam Sandler wasn’t really in his role in this movie.
To make it clearer and short it was one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
Sometimes I think Adam Sandler tries to make terrible movies.
I recommend this movie to anybody who hates life.
This made me laugh so hard snot almost came out of my nose (but it didn't).
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great review of this terrible movie, People. I don’t know what it is about Sandler and Happy Madison Productions; their movies can be so funny that I can’t catch my breath from laughter or they bomb so badly that I consider asking for a refund. Sadly Jack and Jill fell to the later category. Things were pretty slow during my shift at DISH last night, so I went to DISHOnline.com and decided to give Jack and Jill a try. Sandler playing his twin could have been funny, but seeing him in drag is quite disturbing. I am not sure if this movie was going for intentional “awkward comedy” of if it was just plain awkward. I think you’re right, Sandler does try to make terrible movies so that his mediocre movies seem like gems in comparison.