Everything comes out on Friday!
But I guess I'll just have to settle for this right now.
Rating: G
Time: 100 min
Stars: Albert Brooks, Ellen DeGeneres
I wasn't saying this movie was bad I was saying that I have it on DVD.
Actually this movie was AMAZING!!!
And I'm sorry that I haven't been writing a lot anymore.
The reason is that school has started and I don't have that much time to see movies anymore.
But don't worry, I won't see many but I'll see some.
Unlike other movie reviewers that don't get paid.
I have a life.
But anyways lets start the review.
So the 3D, usually I dislike 3D, and I still did in this film, but this had pretty good 3D for a movie that wasn't meant to be 3D.
So the plot of this movie is that Nemo's missing and Marlin (his dad) has to go look for him.
So straight in the beginning of this movie your pumped and enjoying.
But then 5 seconds later the movie gets dark, actually it gets really dark!
And any G movie that can pull that off besides Toy Story 3 I'm a fan of.
It goes in a direction that you don't really expect from that kind of movie.
So after the darkness goes by you are really pumped and you are gnawing for more.
This movie has you on the edge of your seat and it does that really well.
The plot in this movie was amazing, because you're facing Marlins story but also Nemo's story at the exact same time.
And usually I dislike that in a movie but this movie had seemed to pull it off for me.
The colors in this movie are also very colorful and always match the color of what the mood is in the movie.
The characters in this movie are unique and you love them all.
I mean you even love the shark!
And the scenarios in this movie are also pretty fun.
From losing Nemo to riding on a hippie turtle.
This movie was a fun film and a classic.
If you haven't seen it, really?
You are probably one of the 4 people on the entire face of the planet that hasn't seen Finding Nemo, so congrats to you.
But seriously, If you haven't seen Nemo then what are you doing reading this?
Go buy yourself a ticket.
Everyone will love this movie.
And another thing that was awesome in this movie was the clip before it called Party-Sarus Rex.
Great review. I liked the first two sentences, also the part about the colors reflecting what was happening in the movie. I'd like to see this movie again. I liked it the first time.