More food for me.
Rating: PG
Time: 127 min
Stars: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan
When the tigers not looking I would just stab him or something.
I wouldn't do it if I weren't stranded on a boat of course.
But if I was, then you gotta do what you gotta do.
There's actually a scene in this movie where the tiger can't get on the boat.
How the heck could someone mess that up unless they wanted to?
By the way, the tigers name is Richard Parker!
That is such an awesome name for a man slaughtering tiger!
Oh yeah, NOT.
But it does make the movie a whole lot more fun whenever the tigers name is called.
Anyways this is a movie review so let's get on to the movie.
So the plot in this movie is that a boy is stuck on a life boat with a tiger.
And so you know, he kind of wants to survive.
So let's start off with what went well in this movie.
First off the tiger's name is Richard Parker!
That is such a fun name for a tiger!
Even though it might be a little dull for a real life human.
No offense if you're name is Richard Parker.
And the 3D in this movie is great.
Usually I hate 3D but in this movie they do it so well!!
If you see this movie, see it in 3D, it makes it a whole lot better!
Now let's actually get off in to the movie.
When Pi finally gets set off into the water in the life boat the movie starts blooming.
The fun starts coming out and you're just enjoying it so much.
This movie has such an amazing unique plot that only a genius would make up.
But the plot could go either way.
It could be really boring story or a really entertaining fun one.
The book was obviously the entertaining one but the movie seemed like it would be kind of a bore.
Well I was wrong.
Very wrong.
Anyways another thing that was really well done in this movie was the cinematography.
It was so beautiful and shot so well that it made the movie brighter and even better.
The movie was beautiful.
And now the bad things about the movie.
The beginning part of the movie to me was a bore.
It seemed like the whole time you were impatient and you just wanted to get to the boat part in the trailer.
And in the beginning of the movie it keeps on switching from Pi as young but then to Pi old telling the story to another person.
It was kind of annoying to me.
Fortunately it ended soon enough.
And the end of this movie I thought wasn't done well.
I thought they could've made the it more lively.
But it seemed like it was just plop, credits.
In both young Pi version and old Pi version.
And some of this movie seemed unrealistic to me.
It didn't seem like it was possible which makes me wonder if this was realistic fiction or just fiction.
Anyways I would recommend this movie everyone besides children 8 and under.
They say everything's good and the things they usually say are bad are actually amazing.
Well for once we have very different views about this movie. Antonio, David , Andrea and I saw it this weekend. I was really looking forward to it but was very disappointed with the whole thing. I thought it was long, boring and unbelievable. Maybe we should have seen it in 3D, because it was a big zero for me.