Wednesday, January 30

Movie Review: Broken City

Introducing Russell Crowe who thank god is not singing in this movie!
Mark Wahlberg who's in great comedies but than again, this is not a comedy.
And Catherine Zeta-Jones who looks really scary and spooky in every trailer she's in!
This movie is gonna be epic!

It wasn't.

Rating: R
Time: 109 min
Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe

To tell you the truth, I love Mark Wahlberg.
I loved him in Ted and in The Other Guys.
He was awesome in The Fighter and also in Shooter.
I like him in almost every movie I see him in!
So when I finish this movie I'm disappointed to see and think that he did this badly.
But the truth is that this movie isn't an action movie, it's a thriller!
Before I thought there was no difference, but guess what I learned when I saw this movie???
There's a difference, and it's a big difference!
But let's stop the nonsense I'm writing and get to the movie itself.
So the plot in this movie is that Mark is to spy on Russel's wife Catherine and get proof that she is cheating.
But then again something big happens, there's a twist, someone gets fooled and the conclusion is weak.
But anyways... Let's get to the good stuff in the movie.
This movie can be intense at moments, which is good because once again I'm reviewing Broken City.
There are some moments where I really fell intrigued and that was good.
(Thinking back to it now, I can't really think of many good things in this movie if there's even any at all! Well beside that first thing I said.)
This movie can be a little smart and fun at moments but usually it's not.
Now the bad things in this movie because I can't think of anymore good things!!!
The acting in this movie is terrible!
I felt like everybody was either doing their part too much or too little.
Another thing in this movei is that it's completely absurd!
In some moments  don't believe anything that is happening.
And the score in this movie is so bad!
The mood and the tempo are way off timing bringing a happy scene into a sort of darkened mood.
Also the score is way too flashy!
It drags me away from the plot and the story because it's too loud and too of time.
And that brings me to another point!
The plot in this movie is weak with twists and turns that aren't served too well which makes me not care.
And the action sequences in this movie are terrible with not enough action.
I feel like they were cut way too short because everything that happens that's actually entertaining is probably less than a minute.
And at moments in this movie it feels way too long!
Sometimes I got bored in moments that I felt like I shouldn't have felt bored in.
And maybe not the the twists in this movie but the conclusion is super predictable!
I know exactly what's going to happen at the end.
That's a pretty long bad list compared to the good list!
Anyways I'd recommend this movie to anyone who is willing to throw 10$ in a pool of acid.

People's Top 10 Worst List of 2012
 #10 The Amazing Spiderman
This was such a bad ripoff of Spider Man.
You can't just change everything about Spider Man if you make a new movie!
And the whole reason this got so much popularity is because all the women love Andrew Garfield!!

#9 This Means War
I hated this movie from beginning to end.
It had terrible acting, terrible plot and terrible jokes which all together lead to #9 no duh!!!!

#8 Mirror Mirror
This movie was babyish and foolish.
It made Snow White look like a barbie doll.
The plot is terrible and so are the jokes. 

Tuesday, January 29

Movie Review: Les Miserables

So what I've been planning is to see all the movies that are nominated for best picture except for Django because my parents won't let me see it.
And I know I made that promise and stuff, and I know I only have Zero Dark Thirty and Amour to go but I don't think that I need to sit through this to know that I probably will be bored out of my mind.
Was I right (was this movie boring) or was I wrong? (this movies actually good.)
Anyways, you'll see!
P.S. Imagine this whole thing in song because if I made reviews on Youtube this would probably be sung.

Rating: PG-13
Time: 157 min
Stars: Hugh Jackman, Russel Crowe

I would appreciate this movie more if some of the songs they sung weren't so classical all the time.
I would also appreciate it if a whole sentence was actually spoken and not a word.
No but seriously, this movie is 99% sung and at moments it just gets on your last NERVE!
Especially when you know things don't need to be sung.
Like when two characters are talking to each other "Hey how was that sandwich you had!?!"
"Oh it was okay!!!"
Everything is like that literally!!
Anyways the whole plot of this movie is that this guy named Hugh Jackman is on the run from this other guy called Russel Crowe and then there's a love story involved and a child's involved and then Anne Hatheway's involved for like 30 minutes.
But anyways lets get to the good stuff.
This movie is beautiful!
It's colors are amazing and the setting is always beautiful and great.
This movie is also shot very well even though in some moments the actors are singing right into the camera and it's kind of akward.
Another thing that was great was the acting in this film.
It seemed like everyone was trying their best and they were constant in character the whole time.
Anne Hatheway had this moment in this movie where she goes below zero and it is just so well done on her part.
Also good were some of the scenes, some of the scenes had action and they were really entertaining even though those scenes were about 10-20% of the movie.
So now that we talked about some of the great things in the movie we gotta talk about what some of the flaws were.
As I said before, this movie is 99% sung!!
This at moments gets a little annoying and sometimes I'm too dragged out of the movie to hear the lyrics which are supposed to be important they say!
And some of the singers in this movie I'm not really big fans of! (Russel Crowe!!!!!!)
And this movie is too long to be a musical drama!
It is too long to be a mediocre movie in the first place!
I can stand it from amazing movies like The Dark Knight Rises, but from this!
This movie can also be really slow in moments.
When nothing too much is happening then I just zone out!
Also some moments where there's a twist, I feel like it's ruined because of the singing.
Something big happens in this movie and the person when they sing right before this happens their all mad when in the moment it's obvious you should be sad!
I guess it's just their personality that makes them mad.
Anyways unless you love musicals you shall stay away from this movie!
Score: 6.0

And now the moment you've all been waiting for...
People's Top 1 and 2 movies of 2012!!!!!

#2 Silver Linings Playbook

This movie was amazing and funny.
It had it's humor and it's drama which were both amazingly well combined!
Silver Linings Playbook is amazing, PERIOD.

#1 Moonrise Kingdom

And the crowd goes wild!!!!
This movie was just pure amazing!
It had great humor and a great everything!
It had Bruce Willis which is a bonus so this definitely number 1!!!!

Next post I will start counting off my 2012 worst list with 10-8.

Sunday, January 20

Movie Review: Gangster Squad

"I'm god, so you might as well swear to me."
That's such an awesome line in the movie.

Rating: R
Time: 113 min
Stars: Sean Penn, Ryan Gosling

Everybody is hating on this movie!
Everybody's like, "this movie was too much and it was just okay."
And some people are like "this movie's way too much and it's horrible!"
Well I don't care about their opinion, THIS MOVIE WAS GREAT!!!
And maybe even amazing!!
I loved it and maybe even though it was a slight over the top, it was fun, it was enjoyable and I loved it!
So the plot in this film is pretty simple.
These police men put away their badges to do what they have to do, to get Mickey Cohen or Sean Penn.
Let's start off with what was good in this movie.
This movie was so much fun!
Just right from the beginning until the end the action and the everything was so entertaining and still so much fun.
And the action sequences in this movie were AWESOME!
There were car chases and there were shoot offs and it was just so awesome.
Especially the last scene was awesome with everyone just shooting at each other.
Also what worked was the play on words.
Like at the top of this post was the best line to me in the whole movie.
And at some moments the film can be pretty funny.
Ryan Gosling is a little smart mouthed and he can  be funny at some moments.
And the actual characters were great!
Each one with their own personality, their own unique personality was awesome.
Now what did not work.
This movie at some moments was a little over the top.
Sean Penn did a great job, but sometimes he did it so great it seemed a little unbelievable.
And that brings me to my next point, this movie can be pretty unbelievable.
It's just some of the things that they do and say that just don't sound like it could actually happen or actually did happen because this movie is based on a true story.
But in total, this movie was so much fun and if you see it you have got to see it in theaters.

People's Top 10 Movies of 2012

This movie was so awesome and so intense with no killing or anything.
This is a definite must see.
You can not skip this movie.

The epic conclusion to the Dark Knight Trilogy and it just delivers.
With so many twists and awesome action.
This movie deserves a number on anybody's list.

This movie was so funny and so awesome.
It was intense and it had action.
It was an amazing movie and it was just so much fun! 

Wednesday, January 16

Movie Review: Jack Reacher

I haven't seen a movie since, like 3-4 weeks!
That's crazy!
Well least now that heart-breaking record is broken.
But  the movie that broke it, well let's say that this movie is also broken.

Rating: PG-13
Time: 130 min
Stars: Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike

Tom Cruise is back in a movie that is nothing what you expected, but also kind of what you expected!!!
He brings all the action this time, but less then usual!!
He has his funny moments, but their timing is terribly off!!
And then he has his girl drama!
But the truth is, in this movie there's no tension or anything that shows that they like each other!!
Tom Cruise is in the one, the only, the mediocre Jack Reacher!!!!
So the plot in this movie is that a sniper guy shoots 6 bullets into crowd.
So Jack Reacher, goes to find out who did it.
And that's why it isn't what you expected, but what you expected.
I was thinking that it was going to be a plain old action Tom Cruise movie.
But it turns out that it was a mystery, action, Tom Cruise movie.
But it turns out just the way you expect it, and the whole movie is just the way you expect it with just less action and an insanely stupid, confusing mystery.
So, what was good in this movie?
The bad guys in this movie are evil!!
They're creepy and they're evil!
They're totally evil in this movie and when you have an insane evil bad guy in a movie, it's usually a good movie.
The only thing about them that I didn't understand was they're motive.
I went to the bathroom and maybe I missed it but if not than I didn't catch it.
And the ending of this movie, the last couple of sentences, they were GREAT!
They were intense and kind of awesome.
And they revealed the whole mystery of why the heck Tom Cruise actually went and solved this mystery.
Then there was the bad stuff in the movie.
The action in this movie was boring.
It wasn't good, it wasn't intense, it wasn't fun.
It was boring, annoying and just terrible.
The dialogue in this movie is crazy.
It's stupid with little metaphors and things no one would ever say in real life.
The acting is pretty bad.
I feel like this movie should've taken about 5 years because the scenes are so ridiculous.
If I was Tom Cruise I'd be laughing a million times for no reason.
And the humor in this movie is good at times, but also NOT good at times.
Though the similarity between the good humor and the bad humor is that it's all said and done at the worst times.
The acting in this movie is ridiculous and I thought Rosamund Pike was fake and doing her job terribly.
Unless the director wanted her to act tough.
But that can't be it because in the movie she's a lawyer, she gets captured by the bad guys and she gets a gun to her head.
So yeah, either the writer/director are idiots, or she does her job terribly!
Anyways I would recommend this movie to anybody who likes bad movies.
Score= 4.5

Anyways since I'm not seeing that many movies I'll say my next 3 favorite movies of 2012!!

Starting with 8.
This movie was the third of the Daniel Craig James Bond Movies!
It had great action and a great villain.
So far it's my favorite bond movie!

This movie was funny, it was action packed and it was a great time!!
If there's a second I'm seeing it in a heart beat.

And number 6.
This movie was funny at times, it had AWESOME ACTION, and it's just a great movie to have fun with!
That's right, top 10 lists are not all serious dramas like I don't know, Arbritage!

Anyways until the next time I see a movie will the next 3 be revealed!

Thursday, January 3

Movie Review: This is 40

Happy 2013!!!
I actually saw this movie 2012, so this isn't my first movie of 2013, but it's my first review.
Anyways at the end of all my posts until I run out, I will write the next 2 movies on my 2012 best list.
Today starting with 10 and 9.
Anyways let's get to the review!

Rating: R
Time: 134 min
Stars: Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann

In this movie they make 40 seem like total wasteland!
I wonder if for people who are in their 40's thought that was a documentary.
I actually heard some people in the audience saying, "I do not approve, the government can't put security camera's in our house!!"
And also by the way, if you're 39 and you're birthday's tomorrow, don't see this movie!
But seriously, Judd Apatow must not be taking his 40's very well!
You know, because of the 40 Year Old Virgin and now This is 40.
But let's get on with the review.
The plot in this movie is that Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann are turning 40, and basically they're turning 40.
And that's it.
Really, I never thought it was this bad!
Anyways let's talk about the good stuff.
This movie is super realistic!!
I mean I can prove it.
It related to me a lot and when a movie relates to you, you can connect with it more and even pay more attention.
And also the jokes in this movie are funny when they're jokes.
I was laughing sometimes hard when I heard a good solid joke.
And even though that's not much good stuff about it, that's the only stuff I could think of.
Now let's talk about the bad stuff.
This movie is super realistic!!
I mean I can prove it!
It related to me a lot and when a movie relates to you, you can connect with it more and even pay more attention.
And that's what's bad.
This movie was full of people screaming at each other and yelling at each other and it's just some times annoying or hard to sit through.
And annoying brings me to another point.
All the characters in this movie are really annoying!!
And I thought they were kind of boring too.
They were just normal people that to me I just didn't care about.
And they're friends were annoying, and they're family was annoying.
This movie was so ANNOYING!
And it was long at the same time!
Anyways I would recommend this movie to anyone far older then 40, or far younger then 40.
Score= 6.5

Now the moment you've all been waiting for...
People's Top 10th and 9th Movie of 2012
Starting with #10...
This movie was super fun and super awesome!
It was funny and the special effects were awesome!
But it wasn't the best Animation of the year unfortunately.
But that's much, much later!

Some people might complain to me why this movie wasn't farther up my list.
The truth is that there were other movies besides this one that I just enjoyed more.
But this movie had an awesome cast of characters, an awesome setting, an amazing plot.
The villain, Loki was just completely evil, and it was just so much fun.