That's crazy!
Well least now that heart-breaking record is broken.
But the movie that broke it, well let's say that this movie is also broken.
Rating: PG-13
Time: 130 min
Stars: Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike
Tom Cruise is back in a movie that is nothing what you expected, but also kind of what you expected!!!
He brings all the action this time, but less then usual!!
He has his funny moments, but their timing is terribly off!!
And then he has his girl drama!
But the truth is, in this movie there's no tension or anything that shows that they like each other!!
Tom Cruise is in the one, the only, the mediocre Jack Reacher!!!!
So the plot in this movie is that a sniper guy shoots 6 bullets into crowd.
So Jack Reacher, goes to find out who did it.
And that's why it isn't what you expected, but what you expected.
I was thinking that it was going to be a plain old action Tom Cruise movie.
But it turns out that it was a mystery, action, Tom Cruise movie.
But it turns out just the way you expect it, and the whole movie is just the way you expect it with just less action and an insanely stupid, confusing mystery.
So, what was good in this movie?
The bad guys in this movie are evil!!
They're creepy and they're evil!
They're totally evil in this movie and when you have an insane evil bad guy in a movie, it's usually a good movie.
The only thing about them that I didn't understand was they're motive.
I went to the bathroom and maybe I missed it but if not than I didn't catch it.
And the ending of this movie, the last couple of sentences, they were GREAT!
They were intense and kind of awesome.
And they revealed the whole mystery of why the heck Tom Cruise actually went and solved this mystery.
Then there was the bad stuff in the movie.
The action in this movie was boring.
It wasn't good, it wasn't intense, it wasn't fun.
It was boring, annoying and just terrible.
The dialogue in this movie is crazy.
It's stupid with little metaphors and things no one would ever say in real life.
The acting is pretty bad.
I feel like this movie should've taken about 5 years because the scenes are so ridiculous.
If I was Tom Cruise I'd be laughing a million times for no reason.
And the humor in this movie is good at times, but also NOT good at times.
Though the similarity between the good humor and the bad humor is that it's all said and done at the worst times.
The acting in this movie is ridiculous and I thought Rosamund Pike was fake and doing her job terribly.
Unless the director wanted her to act tough.
But that can't be it because in the movie she's a lawyer, she gets captured by the bad guys and she gets a gun to her head.
So yeah, either the writer/director are idiots, or she does her job terribly!
Anyways I would recommend this movie to anybody who likes bad movies.
Score= 4.5
Anyways since I'm not seeing that many movies I'll say my next 3 favorite movies of 2012!!
Starting with 8.
This movie was the third of the Daniel Craig James Bond Movies!
It had great action and a great villain.
So far it's my favorite bond movie!
This movie was funny, it was action packed and it was a great time!!
If there's a second I'm seeing it in a heart beat.
And number 6.
This movie was funny at times, it had AWESOME ACTION, and it's just a great movie to have fun with!
That's right, top 10 lists are not all serious dramas like I don't know, Arbritage!
Anyways until the next time I see a movie will the next 3 be revealed!
Thanks for the review, I am glad I did not go see it.