What do you do when you're running from an carnivore alien with glowsticks as teeth?
You turn on the lights then kill it.
Rating: R
Time: 88 min
Attack The Block was amazing!
The idea of the story was really well written!
It's great how any day people have to kill monsters.
And this movie is not loud and they don't have guns which makes it really unique.
The fact there is so many unexpected things makes it awesome!
And that it is not super scary so a kid who knows language can see it!
The actors are really good and their accents are thick and make the movie funnier and better!
It's great how they mix action with comedy.
And this is not one of those terrible loud Hollywood movies!
It is a wonderful movie and it is definetly my favorite!
You should see this movie, you will love it!
The cameras were really well shot!
This is not a waste of money!
It is definetly worth it and you should see it!
Anyways my rating from 1-10, 1 the worst 10 the best is...
The next movie is a movie on DVD and stars Justin Timberlake.
I want to see this movie!