The Lorax...
Rating: PG
Time: 86 min
The Lorax was a Dr. Suess movie.
It was a cartoon.
It was a Lorax movie.
The Lorax was a lot of things...
If you are a tiny little baby kid who knows nothing and just goes to a movie to go to it, you'll think this is entertaining.
But everybody older and smarter then then that would know that this movie STINKS!!!
The way they tell the movie was terrible and actually the whole plot of the movie stunk.
There's two stories both stink.
One is the story about the Onceler.
And the is about the pretty boy that claims he's not on the other side.
The movie's terrible and Zac Efron is terrible.
This is probably the worst movie I have ever seen.
It is nothing like the book.
The books good.
It stinks.
I recommend this movie to any kid that wants to buy these tickets to really sneek into 21 Jump Street.
It stinks.
Don't see this movie.
And my score is...
Anyways tomorrows movie is the 4th of it's own and it kicks B-U-T-T!!!!
see ya!
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