First off I want to congratulate Seth MacFarlane for hosting a super awesome funny Oscars!
Much, much better then Anne Hatheway and that other person she was hosting with.
But anyways let's get back and review whatever the hack this is supposed to be!
Rating: R
Time: 98 min
Stars: Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney
Before we start the review let me just give you a tiny little miniature review of all the Die Hard's.
Die Hard 2: Not as good, a little more flat, but still good.
Die Hard with a Vengeance: Amazing!!! Bruce Willis and Sam L. Jackson make a great pair!
Live Free or Die Hard: PG-13? Little more safe, which makes it worst, but still great action film.
A Good Day to Die Hard: WHAT THE @$%&!!!!! That was a Die Hard movie?!!?!?!?!?
So now you got my basic impression on the movie.
Not that great...
The truth is that the beginning of the year, every movie is terrible!
The only reason I might have reviewed good movies is because they came out a long time ago.
For example: Amour came out a long time ago and was great!
Escape From Planet Earth not so long ago and it's really bad!
Anyways, let's get to the plot.
Wait hold on, was there even a plot?
This movie was so forced and scrambled that I couldn't catch on.
The only plot that I saw is that a guy, (NOT JOHN MCCLANE!) needs to stop a bad guy.
And the bad guy is Russian!
But anyways what was good in this movie?
The action was pretty good.
It has explosions and guns and it was entertaining.
But that's one thing!!
And that's not enough!!!
Now what was bad in this movie?
This is not a Die Hard movie!!!
If it was then I would at least seen a glimpse of John McClane!!!
There was no John McClane in this movie!!
None at all!!
The plot in this movie seemed forced and scrambled.
It was hard to follow with.
There's like a couple of twists in this movie and they're terrible!!!
They're terrible themselves and they're represented to me in a terrible way!
And the acting in this movie was also equally bad!
I mean it felt like the person who was acting wasn't Bruce Willis but Nicholas Cage.
And the writing was bad!
It had stupid on liners and dialogue that wasn't realistic at all!
And the movie was also very unrealistic!
It had John McClane jumping of things and doing thing that would probably break every bone in his body.
But in the end you know he's all right because he only has like one tiny scratch.
And the chemistry between Bruce Willis and his son was terrible!
They have nothing in common whatsoever!
In all, I think it's fair enough to say that John Moore ruined the Die Hard franchise.
He should apologize to us because it's obvious that he his like Joel Schumacher ruining a superhero.
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