Without her the movie would've been worse, a lot worse.
Also another thing that made this movie better, I saw in an RPX theater.
Rating: R
Time: 112 min
Stars: Jason Bateman, Melissa McCarthy
If you're confused by my statement up above, let me summarize it.
If the part that Melissa McCarthy played were played by someone else, this movie would be bad.
The reason is, is because Melissa McCarthy is a funny actress.
If you put Jessica Chastain in her part it wouldn't be as good.
Sure there are other funny good things in the movie, but not as many as I wanted there to be.
So if Melissa McCarthy were replaced in this movie, I would though it was bad and not okay.
Okay is still not as good but it's better than okay.
But other then that let's get back to the review.
So, the plot in this movie is that Melissa McCarthy stole Jason Batemans, credit cards and basically his identity.
So now Jason Bateman is going after her so he can have an un-sucky life and than there's all this nonsense with action and cars and chasing that doesn't really matter.
So now that that's been mentioned let us all bring our attention to the things that did not suck in this film.
At some moments in the movie, it can be really funny and laugh out loud.
Even though some moments it can be the opposite... but that's later on.
And also this movie can have some really fun moments.
I don't want to spoil anything but there's this one moment that's super awesome!
And the action in this movie is at the most part good.
At some moments though it can be stupid and meaningless.
Not many good things right?
Now the things that absolutely did totally suck in this film that is way worse than Seth Gordon's other movie.
This movie is not totally a comedy.
There are some drama moments that are in there that may be good for people and may not be.
For me, the second one.
This movie when it has drama moments are way too sappy and overdone.
They're also irrelevant to the rest of the movie.
Or at least they make it feel that way.
They make the actors totally change their characters personality when these moments happen.
Anyways some of the comedy in this movie totally stupid!
It produces no laughs from the audience and a feeling in yourself saying "now that's just plain stupid/wrong."
And the characters in this movie are either annoying and bad or just plain boring!
And there are characters and things in this movie that are just unnecessary.
I can name two things, but both would spoil the movie a bit, I guess...
But anyways another thing was that the ending of this movie was good until one little line ruined it all.
The ending made a little laugh but not much.
But in total, this movie wasn't great and unless you have nothing else to watch, you should see it.
People's Top 10 Worst Movies of 2012
#4 Hope Springs
This movie was boring and for old people.
I didn't relate at all with it!
But then again, it isn't meant for me.
Maybe that's why 5/6 of the movie were seniors.
#3 Ice Age 4
This movie was terrible.
It wasn't good and it had bad plot and jokes and everything.
This movie was terrible.
#2 The Lorax
I absolutely, positively hated this movie.
It was bad and even more bad!
There's not one thing that was good in this movie.
Lucky enough it was better than number 1.
By the way, I want to see if you can think of my least favorite movie of 2012.
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