Some people call it the best book of all time.
So when you turn it into a movie you better make it good or it might make some people really mad.
So did Baz Luhrmann disappoint me or please me?
(I really hate doing this but...) FIND OUT NEXT ON XZOOMZ!!!!
That didn't feel good.
Rating: PG-13
Time: 143 min
Director: Baz Luhrmann
Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire
So I have heard that there are mixed opinions about Baz Luhrmann.
I have heard that his movies are amazing and that his movies are terrible.
He has made things like Moulin Rouge and this weird Romeo and Juliet movie.
I have also heard opinions about this movie and have also heard mixed opinions.
Some really like the movie and... some not so much.
Anyways this is now an entirely different discussion:
I've read the book and I can be partly fair but not 100%.
Some people read the book long before and had their own idea of Gatsby and others.
But I read the book because everyone said it was amazing and I wanted to read the book so I could truely feel the movie.
But I only read it one week before!
I had already seen all the trailers and I had my own ideas of the characters while I was reading it.
So I can't really say that Leonardo DiCaprio or Tobey Maguire or Joel Edgerton or Carey Mulligan were cast badly because they were the people I had in mind when I was reading the book.
But anyways I guess I can pair my perspective of what the characters were like in the movie with what I felt the characters were in the book.
So yes, yes, this is going to be a comparison review.
And like Baz Luhrmann, so people will like it, some people won't.
But anyways let's get to the review!
So the plot in this movie is from the perspective of Nick Carraway (Tobey Maguire) and he just moved to this tiny little house but his neighbor owns a much bigger one and he's much more rich.
He has parties at night his neighbor and is always lurking around.
This neighbor is Jay Gatsby.
And soon enough Gatsby starts to get involved in all this trouble with his true love and her husband. (UH OH!)
And who's in the middle of all of it?
Nick Carraway.
And this is his perspective of the story.
So what was good in this film?
First of all can I say that this movie had one of the best soundtracks ever!
I've heard that Baz (I'm gonna call him Baz now, it's easier) is amazing in his movies with his soundtracks.
Jay-Z, Beyonce, Lana Del Rey and even one by Fergie.
But what my point is about this soundtrack is that it was great!
I loved how even though the movie is based in the 1920's but they still use music from this generation.
Also I thought that the big views and colors was great.
I also know that Baz does that.
I like it, it was more intriguing and especially in a drama.
And the acting was great.
Leo is always good.
In the book I thought he would be a little more serious though.
This movie, he was serious but it wasn't realistic as I felt in the book.
Tobey Maguire was good.
I don't really have any thoughts about Tobey in the movie because in the book I felt that Tobey's character was only there to narrate the story and didn't really serve any grand purpose.
But the one person who gave me more of a surprise then anyone else in the movie was Carey Mulligan!
I thought that she would be all shy and quiet in the movie.
But in the movie she's confident and stronger then I thought she would be.
The thing that I enjoyed most about her was her accent in the movie.
It was awesome.
Joel Edgerton was also outstanding!
I got everything I expected from him and he was amazing.
So what was bad about the movie.
I'll tell you not much.
I thought that the whole movie was green screen.
It was so obvious that it was green screen when it was and I also thought that they used it to much.
I thought that the movie was a little too long.
I also thought that the movie was partly slow in moments.
But not most of the time.
So all in all the movie was really enjoyable with great acting,
music and effects.
This is a definite see.
Finally we start getting decent summer movies!
Iron Man...
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