Actually the reason some of it is bad is because people think it sometimes repeats from the first.
I will tell you that I have seen the first movie.
But since it was a long time ago and I wasn't into movies and I was young and dumb, I can't really remember it.
So this is not a comparison review.
So the movie was better.
Thanks to my bad memory.
And my young child mind that only cared for the booms.
Rating: PG-13
Time: 132 min
Director: J. J. Abrams
Stars: Chris Pine, Benedict Cumberbatch
Remember the movie that I reviewed before this?
Pain & Gain?
Remember how I said it was awesome that I got to see one of the characters of one of my favorite TV shows in a movie with a whole different personality.
Remember how I said how much that movie sucked.
Well same deal here, minus the sucking.
I got to see the star that I love from the show Sherlock come onto the big screen to play the villain in an awesome movie.
Benedict Cumberbatch is awesome.
And now I get to see him return after a nail-biting cliffhanger that they gave to me at the end of Sherlock season two.
BTW I recommend that everyone see that show because it is awesome.
It's so good and smart and I LOVE IT!
But this is not a review about that.
This is a review of Star Trek Into Darkness.
Oh and also by the way, this movie does have twists, but since I don't almost anything about Star Trek, some of them I didn't get.
But some others I did get because they were normal twists, and not ones that related to the original Star Trek.
Sometimes twists can be good or bad.
This movie had decent ones but some were predictable.
But in Iron Man 3 for example, I never saw that one twist coming and it was so bad and it completely ruined the entire movie for me.
So the plot in this film is that there's this criminal somewhere and the Star Trek people have to go and bring him to justice.
And then other stuff happens as well.
But if I mentioned them I would spoil the movie.
Anyways let's get straight to the review.
So what was good in this movie?
He did amazing acting and was perfectly chosen for his role.
He stole every scene he was in and made everything much more interesting in the movie.
Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto were also fine and everybody was good!
Not amazing, but good.
The reason they probably weren't amazing was because they had to share the spotlight with Benedict Cumberbatch.
The only other two people worth mentioning besides BC (Benedict Cumberbatch is now BC because it's easier to type) was Shaun of the Dead as Scotty and RoboCop as somebody who's name I don't remember.
But other then the people there were other things that were good.
The action was good.
Actually really liked the action because it's all space and awesome which is much more different then what I have seen so far this year.
I liked the dialogue.
It sucked me into the story and the movie more.
And also there was something that J. J. Abrams did in this movie that was unique.
He put all these cool film shots with lens flares which was really awesome.
And the graphic effects in this movie were also fantastic!
Everything seemed real and not fake or anything like that.
But anyways that's all the good stuff about the movie.
BTW, I have just realized now how much I use the word anyways.
ANYHOW... what was bad in this movie?
First of all I thought that the plot in moments was unsure of itself.
It got a little complicated and I think that the movie didn't handle those complicated moments as well as they should have.
Also I thought that there was too many parts in the movie where it was too slow.
It was lagging and I just wanted it to keep on moving.
But other then those two things I think that the movie was really good.
I recommend everyone to see it unless you're super against one of the actors or the director or maybe even the genre!
I can't wait to see what J. J. Abrams does with Star Wars.
Score=9.0 (I promised myself no weird decimals! If I didn't though it would probably be a 8.75)
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