Rating: R
Time: 122 min
Stars: Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence
I was a little surprised by this movie.
The trailer looked really good, the movie looked really good, but usually when I see trailers for movies like this, they don't end out so great.
This one did.
I mean come on, Cooper with Lawrence and their both a little mental?!
That's gotta be great!
Oh and Chris Tucker is back too!
Rush Hour was awesome!
But seriously, when yo have an idea for a movie like this, directed by the director of The Fighter and other movies you have in store for an amazing movie.
Anyways the plot in this movie is that Pat (Cooper) just got out of mental institution and moves in with his parents.
He then tries to reunite with his ex-wife but soon he meats Tiffany (Lawrence) and then she starts to practically change his life.
Let's start with the good things about this movie.
This movie is just a great time.
The whole way through the movie you're having a good time and you're enjoying the film.
There are some moments in this movie where there are laughs and to tell you the truth, most of the time they're pretty funny.
The acting in this movie was great!
Bradley Cooper the whole way through seemed like he was giving it his all.
He looked well playing the part even when the genre may have had a change from humor to a little more drama.
Jennifer Lawrence in the movie is amazing because she is such a mixed character and she really does a good job.
You can see that she also has some problems when she changes her mood so fast but in a good way.
Robert De Niro is in this movie and he was probably the most fun character.
You can see that he also has a slight disorder with luck and the way things should be, but what matters most is that you can see that he is a crazy eagles fan and everyone should know it!
Chris Tucker was also great in this movie.
He had that funny but serious side to him that was just so fun to watch whenever he was on screen.
The chemistry between Cooper and Lawrence in this movie was amazing.
You could see that they were both helping each other as they started dancing and hanging out more.
Another thing that I liked about this movie was that it wasn't you're normal romance drama.
It had it's funny side to it, but a lot of movies have that.
This movie was unique.
I mean all the characters were different but they fit together like in a puzzle and it was great.
And the title for this movie was perfect.
Because this movie showed how they had a messed up past but some how they always found the silver lining.
Now the bad things.
Sometimes in the movie, either the comedy or some scenarios distracted me from the story of the movie and I can't say that it wasn't a bad thing because the comedy was good and the scenario was good but it was definitely a little distracting from the story.
That's the only minor flaw I can think of.
Other then that the movie was great and definitely time, the money and the travel to the theater.
Score= 8.5