Monday, November 26

Movie Review: Silver Linings Playbook

If a silver lining is so good, then why don't they call it a gold lining?

Rating: R
Time: 122 min
Stars: Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence

I was a little surprised by this movie.
The trailer looked really good, the movie looked really good, but usually when I see trailers for movies like this, they don't end out so great.
This one did.
I mean come on, Cooper with Lawrence and their both a little mental?!
That's gotta be great!
Oh and Chris Tucker is back too!
Rush Hour was awesome!
But seriously, when yo have an idea for a movie like this, directed by the director of The Fighter and other movies you have in store for an amazing movie.
Anyways the plot in this movie is that Pat (Cooper) just got out of mental institution and moves in with his parents.
He then tries to reunite with his ex-wife but soon he meats Tiffany (Lawrence) and then she starts to practically change his life.
Let's start with the good things about this movie.
This movie is just a great time.
The whole way through the movie you're having a good time and you're enjoying the film.
There are some moments in this movie where there are laughs and to tell you the truth, most of the time they're pretty funny.
The acting in this movie was great!
Bradley Cooper the whole way through seemed like he was giving it his all.
He looked well playing the part even when the genre may have had a change from humor to a little more drama.
Jennifer Lawrence in the movie is amazing because she is such a mixed character and she really does a good job.
You can see that she also has some problems when she changes her mood so fast but in a good way.
Robert De Niro is in this movie and he was probably the most fun character.
You can see that he also has a slight disorder with luck and the way things should be, but what matters most is that you can see that he is a crazy eagles fan and everyone should know it!
Chris Tucker was also great in this movie.
He had that funny but serious side to him that was just so fun to watch whenever he was on screen.
The chemistry between Cooper and Lawrence in this movie was amazing.
You could see that they were both helping each other as they started dancing and hanging out more.
Another thing that I liked about this movie was that it wasn't you're normal romance drama.
It had it's funny side to it, but a lot of movies have that.
This movie was unique.
I mean all the characters were different but they fit together like in a puzzle and it was great.
And the title for this movie was perfect.
Because this movie showed how they had a messed up past but some how they always found the silver lining.
Now the bad things.
Sometimes in the movie, either the comedy or some scenarios distracted me from the story of the movie and I can't say that it wasn't a bad thing because the comedy was good and the scenario was good but it was definitely a little distracting from the story.
That's the only minor flaw I can think of.
Other then that the movie was great and definitely time, the money and the travel to the theater.
Score= 8.5

Monday, November 19

Movie Review: Breaking Dawn - Part 2

Finally it's over!
This should really be a holiday.

Rating: PG-13
Time: 115 min
Stars: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson

What a wonderful day!
It's gone and everyone's going to forget about it in 10 days.
I feel like I can just fly!!!!
Anyways lets get to the dramatic part and away from the part I was just writing about.
So after 5 very long movies we end the Twilight saga off with a bang which leaves you mad.
(The bang is the fight scene.)
So let me start off saying that this was an okay movie compared to the other Twilight movies.
This was definitely my favorite Twilight movie, but that doesn't mean that the movie was that great.
I mean it was fun at some moments but at some others it was just plain dumb.
Anyways the plot in this movie is that Bella is now a vampire and she and Edward have a baby.
Anyways the Volturi thinks that the baby is evil so you know they go to the Cullens and all of the vampires they've bitten and you know, kill them.
Anyways let's start off with what did work in this movie.
At the end of this movie there is a fight scene and it is a fun fight scene!!!
Of course Twilight's not like other vampires with sunlight and garlic and a wooden stake to the heart.
So what I was wondering was like how do they kill each other and it turns out that it's pretty simple.
You just pop their heads off like that.
Anyways they could've made that a terrible fight scene but it was really fun and really entertaing and probably one of the best end of a movie fights I've seen in a movie this year.
If anybody goes to this movie and says that they didn't enjoy the fight scene minus the ending than they are really really crazy!!
Another thing I liked in the movie was when they were recruiting all of these other vampires and what was cool about that was that they all had their own kind of power I would say because I guess the people who made this movie were out of good ideas to make it good so they added all these random unique powers to each vampire to make the viewers more interested.
 Another thing that was great in this movie was the scenery.
All of the places and the way the shoot at those places are really kind of nice.
I love winter and christmas is my favorite holiday so when they shoot the fight scene at the end in the snow no only is it awesome but it's also in a very nice place.
Now what I didn't like.
In every Twilight movie there's always sappy drama and sappy romance and in this movie it is no difference.
They still have those crazy love moments and that absurd writing.
The acting in this movie is the same as every other movie, Kristen Stewart still looks like she has her nose in dog poop the whole time.
And the beginning of this movie I didn't like.
The people who made this movie have to know that their last movie didn't end off with a bang like the first part of Harry Potter 7.
People knew that in Harry Potter Voldemort just got Dumbledore's wand and that it was amazing.
I still don't know what happened at the end of Breaking Dawn Part 1.
She had her baby, was that the last scene?
Did anything happen after that?
So it got me confused in the beginning and the part where she's doing all this vampire stuff in the beginning just made mad.
What I also didn't like in this movie was the ending to the fight scene.
It's a really good fight scene but than they add a twist that just ruins the whole entire thing.
And something that is so obvious and so terrible in this movie was the kid.
For half of this movie this kid was TOTALLY CGI!!!
No one can look at that kid while baby and think that it was a real baby.
So what we have here is an okay movie, with an amazing fight scene that has a terrible twist ending with a terrible CGI baby.
Not any better than Flight but also not any worse.
I'd recommend this movie to anyone who is a Twilight fan

P.S. The running in this poster looks like garbage. 

Wednesday, November 14

Movie Review: Skyfall

The name's Bond, James Bond.

Rating: PG-13
Time: 143 min
Stars: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem

So I've seen all of the Daniel Craig James Bond movies but not any others.
Everyone said Casino Royale was amazing but I thought it was okay.
Everyone said Quantam of Solace was terrible, I thought it was worse than Casino Royale but no anything to make that much fuss about.
And than there was Skyfall and everyone says it was amazing and I am here to confirm that answer.
It has the best action of the movies, the best villain and so many more better things.
Anyways the plot in this movie is that James Bond is dead I guess and then some terrorist starts tormenting MI6 and so James Bond comes back and of course has to save the day as always.
It's a great movie, one of the best actions of the year and HERE-IS-WHY.
Let's start off with Daniel Craig.
In this movie he is one of the best James Bonds I think anyone has seen.
He is slick and smooth no matter if he's facing a whole bunch of people with a rusty shotgun.
He makes everything hard look easy and he does that in a good way.
Daniel Craig's relationship with Judi Dench in this movie is so realistic and so well done.
You can see that they relate to each other better than any other Craig Bond movie.
And also in all of the Craig Bond movies their first scene always is a shot to the chest with some of the best action in the entire film.
And guess what!
It's no different from this one, the beginning scene of this movie is so entertaining, well done and so important to the film.
And in every Craig Bond movie right after the beginning scene is this really long before credits thing that is way too long!
But the song "Skyfall" by Adele fit into this part so well that I probably couldn't imagine a better song for it.
The places that this movie were shot in were amazing and so very awesome.
If you pay attention to the trailer they have almost all of the amazing scenery spots in it, but you just got to wait until there's action going on there.
Then it really gets awesome.
For anyone who's actually seen the trailer James Bond dies and comes back to life blah blah blah.
Well when James Bond comes back to the MI6 you can see how the time has changed him and how he's really rusty.
You can see him advance in his skill in this movie and the people do it so well.
 Now the thing in this movie that really stood out to me was Javier Bardem as a bad guy.
This guy could've gone really well or really bad.
Fortunately he did his role in the movie AMAZING!!!!
Right from the moment he walks on screen you can see that this man is so crazy and that he is out blood.
And Javier Bardem in this movie expresses that so well and he was amazing.
You see that he wasn't a bad guy he was just a plain old crazy dude who is you know, CRAZY!
He is amazing in this film and I thought he really brought it all together.
Now what I didn't like about the movie.
I thought that the end of the movie was bad.
I thought that it wasn't enough.
I thought that they went down an interesting path in this movie that could've gone well but didn't.
I thought it was an unfinished ending to the movie and possibly the series.
Anyways I would recommend this movie to anyone who like James Bond, action and movies.
Score= 9.0  

Tuesday, November 6

Movie Review: Flight

I still can't believe that my old principal saw me watching that movie.

Rating: R
Time: 138 min
Stars: Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle

No but seriously the first 5 seconds of the movie, alcohol, drugs and nudity.
I will never look at my old principal the same ever again.
Anyways this movie was long, tiring and so I just want to get right to it.
So the plot in the movie is that Mr. Washington is a pilot, his plane crashes but he saves almost everyone on board.
Everyone thinks that he's a hero and then he gets caught for having alcohol in his system when controlling the plane.
Say hello to the new movie from the director of the Back to the Future Trilogy, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Forrest Gump and some other not as great movies like The Polar Express.
So this movie seems to be a mix up to some people.
I mean at least from my perspective.
Some people really  like the movie and some people really don't and some are just quite, eh.
All I know is that we definitely got a movie that will be a nominee for an OSCAR!!
But truthfully this movie was eh to me and I really don't think it's going to win Best Picture when Argo is a film.
If you're looking for a drama that's amazing go see Argo!
If you're looking for a drama that's an eh, go see Flight!
If you're not looking for a drama, scroll down one post and see that movie!
Now lets start off with what I did like in his movie.
The acting in this movie was spectacular.
Everyone seemed like they were giving it their best.
But especially Denzel Washington.
I think that the people who made this movie couldn't have chosen a better decision then Denzel for this role.
It was like he was made for this role.
And someone else who was in this movie was John Goodman.
Man that guy was hilarious.
In all he's in this movie for about 10 min in two different scenes.
But in both scenes he is amazing and funny and he pretty much brings the whole movie together in those two scenes he's in.
Another thing that I liked about this movie was that it wasn't like a fake movie.
It was a movie that was very realistic.
It made you feel like you were right there during the crash.
That reminds me, another thing I liked was the whole part on the plane.
It was intense, it was funny at a moment and it was just entertaining.
Now what I didn't like about the movie.
In this movie Denzel is a drug user and also and alcoholic.
But in the movie all the people care about is the drinking, it seemed like they cared very little about the drugs.
Another thing that kind of annoyed me in this movie is that the movie goes back and forth.
And to some people who saw or will see this movie will probably not realize this.
But it seemed like the whole movie was going from addictions alcohol drugs to trying to help himself and on and on and on.
And in the movie people die from the plane crash, but it also seemed like they only cared about the crew.
Passengers die too.
Also in this movie even though his dude is an alcoholic and he's really messed up but they seem to only focus on that after he gets accused.
The people in the movie need to know this guy does drink a lot but that doesn't mean he didn't save 96/102 people!
I get it but I kind of wish that they would pay a little more attention to the other things.
Anyways that's my review!
This movie was different from what I really see but it was an experience!
This movie is definitely not for everyone!

Monday, November 5

Movie Review: Wreck-It Ralph

You know you're going to get good ratings when mix 3 of the things kids love.
1. Movies
2. Video Games
3. Candy

Rating: PG
Time: 108 min
Stars: John C. Reilly, Jack McBrayer

But seriously every kid in the history of being awesome needs to see this movie.
I mean I found this movie a year ago with no trailer and I was like "that movie has a great comedian John C. Reilly and it's an animation. I can't wait until that comes out!"
Well of course about a couple of months later the first trailer comes out.
The second after that trailer ended my mouth was wide open and I was drooling.
Then the second trailer came out and I wasn't as excited as the first but I was pretty much the same way.
Then the movie came out and well, here I am.
So the plot in this movie is that Ralph is the bad guy in the movie and everyone treats him like he's a poop a dog left right in front of your door.
So the next thing you know he starts jumping to different games to get a Hero medal to prove he's not a bad guy.
If I had to put it into 11 words, he's a bad guy who wants to be a good guy.
So let me start with the good things and wow there was a whole lot.
When you see the trailer for this movie you think that Ralph is going to be traveling to a whole bunch of different games.
In reality he only travels to two.
Now you think that would be worse but to me it was actually better.
Because if it was a whole bunch of different games then the movie would be all mumbled and jumbled and you wouldn't be able to experience all of the story.
But since it's only two you get to be much more interested in the characters and the plot is much better then it would've been.
Also what I really liked was that in this movie there was a lot of game references.
And if you know those games then this movie is so much more fun!
What I also liked in this movie was that the movie goes in a lot of directions that's really unexpected.
So when you're in the theater you're like "Oh well that's unexpected, will that work?"
And guess what, IT REALLY DOES!!
So be prepared to be shocked and surprised!
And the color in this movie is really bright and always matches the mood that the character is in.
And that also that reminds me, the characters in this movie are amazing.
They're personalities were amazing and you can see how their all unique by the way that they all react to each other.
And a character who surprised me was Jane Lynch.
Her character I thought was only going to be in the movie for very little.
Instead she was in the movie for practically the whole thing and I loved her.
Now the bad stuff.
I think that some of the bad guys in this movie were a little bit over rated.
I mean they seemed like just destruction and for no reason.
I think that Disney should've spent a little more time on the villain.
Instead they used all their time on everyone else.
Anyways in overall this movie was amazing and any kid who's awesome should see it.
And if you don't see it, then no wonder you're not awesome!