Rating: PG-13
Time: 143 min
Stars: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem
So I've seen all of the Daniel Craig James Bond movies but not any others.
Everyone said Casino Royale was amazing but I thought it was okay.
Everyone said Quantam of Solace was terrible, I thought it was worse than Casino Royale but no anything to make that much fuss about.
And than there was Skyfall and everyone says it was amazing and I am here to confirm that answer.
It has the best action of the movies, the best villain and so many more better things.
Anyways the plot in this movie is that James Bond is dead I guess and then some terrorist starts tormenting MI6 and so James Bond comes back and of course has to save the day as always.
It's a great movie, one of the best actions of the year and HERE-IS-WHY.
Let's start off with Daniel Craig.
In this movie he is one of the best James Bonds I think anyone has seen.
He is slick and smooth no matter if he's facing a whole bunch of people with a rusty shotgun.
He makes everything hard look easy and he does that in a good way.
Daniel Craig's relationship with Judi Dench in this movie is so realistic and so well done.
You can see that they relate to each other better than any other Craig Bond movie.
And also in all of the Craig Bond movies their first scene always is a shot to the chest with some of the best action in the entire film.
And guess what!
It's no different from this one, the beginning scene of this movie is so entertaining, well done and so important to the film.
And in every Craig Bond movie right after the beginning scene is this really long before credits thing that is way too long!
But the song "Skyfall" by Adele fit into this part so well that I probably couldn't imagine a better song for it.
The places that this movie were shot in were amazing and so very awesome.
If you pay attention to the trailer they have almost all of the amazing scenery spots in it, but you just got to wait until there's action going on there.
Then it really gets awesome.
For anyone who's actually seen the trailer James Bond dies and comes back to life blah blah blah.
Well when James Bond comes back to the MI6 you can see how the time has changed him and how he's really rusty.
You can see him advance in his skill in this movie and the people do it so well.
Now the thing in this movie that really stood out to me was Javier Bardem as a bad guy.
This guy could've gone really well or really bad.
Fortunately he did his role in the movie AMAZING!!!!
Right from the moment he walks on screen you can see that this man is so crazy and that he is out blood.
And Javier Bardem in this movie expresses that so well and he was amazing.
You see that he wasn't a bad guy he was just a plain old crazy dude who is you know, CRAZY!
He is amazing in this film and I thought he really brought it all together.
Now what I didn't like about the movie.
I thought that the end of the movie was bad.
I thought that it wasn't enough.
I thought that they went down an interesting path in this movie that could've gone well but didn't.
I thought it was an unfinished ending to the movie and possibly the series.
Anyways I would recommend this movie to anyone who like James Bond, action and movies.
Score= 9.0
Excellent review - I think I agree with most of what you've (so nicely) written. What about the new Q? What did you think of him?