This should really be a holiday.
Rating: PG-13
Time: 115 min
Stars: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson
What a wonderful day!
It's gone and everyone's going to forget about it in 10 days.
I feel like I can just fly!!!!
Anyways lets get to the dramatic part and away from the part I was just writing about.
So after 5 very long movies we end the Twilight saga off with a bang which leaves you mad.
(The bang is the fight scene.)
So let me start off saying that this was an okay movie compared to the other Twilight movies.
This was definitely my favorite Twilight movie, but that doesn't mean that the movie was that great.
I mean it was fun at some moments but at some others it was just plain dumb.
Anyways the plot in this movie is that Bella is now a vampire and she and Edward have a baby.
Anyways the Volturi thinks that the baby is evil so you know they go to the Cullens and all of the vampires they've bitten and you know, kill them.
Anyways let's start off with what did work in this movie.
At the end of this movie there is a fight scene and it is a fun fight scene!!!
Of course Twilight's not like other vampires with sunlight and garlic and a wooden stake to the heart.
So what I was wondering was like how do they kill each other and it turns out that it's pretty simple.
You just pop their heads off like that.
Anyways they could've made that a terrible fight scene but it was really fun and really entertaing and probably one of the best end of a movie fights I've seen in a movie this year.
If anybody goes to this movie and says that they didn't enjoy the fight scene minus the ending than they are really really crazy!!
Another thing I liked in the movie was when they were recruiting all of these other vampires and what was cool about that was that they all had their own kind of power I would say because I guess the people who made this movie were out of good ideas to make it good so they added all these random unique powers to each vampire to make the viewers more interested.
Another thing that was great in this movie was the scenery.
All of the places and the way the shoot at those places are really kind of nice.
I love winter and christmas is my favorite holiday so when they shoot the fight scene at the end in the snow no only is it awesome but it's also in a very nice place.
Now what I didn't like.
In every Twilight movie there's always sappy drama and sappy romance and in this movie it is no difference.
They still have those crazy love moments and that absurd writing.
The acting in this movie is the same as every other movie, Kristen Stewart still looks like she has her nose in dog poop the whole time.
And the beginning of this movie I didn't like.
The people who made this movie have to know that their last movie didn't end off with a bang like the first part of Harry Potter 7.
People knew that in Harry Potter Voldemort just got Dumbledore's wand and that it was amazing.
I still don't know what happened at the end of Breaking Dawn Part 1.
She had her baby, was that the last scene?
Did anything happen after that?
So it got me confused in the beginning and the part where she's doing all this vampire stuff in the beginning just made mad.
What I also didn't like in this movie was the ending to the fight scene.
It's a really good fight scene but than they add a twist that just ruins the whole entire thing.
And something that is so obvious and so terrible in this movie was the kid.
For half of this movie this kid was TOTALLY CGI!!!
No one can look at that kid while baby and think that it was a real baby.
So what we have here is an okay movie, with an amazing fight scene that has a terrible twist ending with a terrible CGI baby.
Not any better than Flight but also not any worse.
I'd recommend this movie to anyone who is a Twilight fan
P.S. The running in this poster looks like garbage.
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