Rating: R
Time: 138 min
Stars: Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle
No but seriously the first 5 seconds of the movie, alcohol, drugs and nudity.
I will never look at my old principal the same ever again.
Anyways this movie was long, tiring and so I just want to get right to it.
So the plot in the movie is that Mr. Washington is a pilot, his plane crashes but he saves almost everyone on board.
Everyone thinks that he's a hero and then he gets caught for having alcohol in his system when controlling the plane.
Say hello to the new movie from the director of the Back to the Future Trilogy, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Forrest Gump and some other not as great movies like The Polar Express.
So this movie seems to be a mix up to some people.
I mean at least from my perspective.
Some people really like the movie and some people really don't and some are just quite, eh.
All I know is that we definitely got a movie that will be a nominee for an OSCAR!!
But truthfully this movie was eh to me and I really don't think it's going to win Best Picture when Argo is a film.
If you're looking for a drama that's amazing go see Argo!
If you're looking for a drama that's an eh, go see Flight!
If you're not looking for a drama, scroll down one post and see that movie!
Now lets start off with what I did like in his movie.
The acting in this movie was spectacular.
Everyone seemed like they were giving it their best.
But especially Denzel Washington.
I think that the people who made this movie couldn't have chosen a better decision then Denzel for this role.
It was like he was made for this role.
And someone else who was in this movie was John Goodman.
Man that guy was hilarious.
In all he's in this movie for about 10 min in two different scenes.
But in both scenes he is amazing and funny and he pretty much brings the whole movie together in those two scenes he's in.
Another thing that I liked about this movie was that it wasn't like a fake movie.
It was a movie that was very realistic.
It made you feel like you were right there during the crash.
That reminds me, another thing I liked was the whole part on the plane.
It was intense, it was funny at a moment and it was just entertaining.
Now what I didn't like about the movie.
In this movie Denzel is a drug user and also and alcoholic.
But in the movie all the people care about is the drinking, it seemed like they cared very little about the drugs.
Another thing that kind of annoyed me in this movie is that the movie goes back and forth.
And to some people who saw or will see this movie will probably not realize this.
But it seemed like the whole movie was going from addictions alcohol drugs to trying to help himself and on and on and on.
And in the movie people die from the plane crash, but it also seemed like they only cared about the crew.
Passengers die too.
Also in this movie even though his dude is an alcoholic and he's really messed up but they seem to only focus on that after he gets accused.
The people in the movie need to know this guy does drink a lot but that doesn't mean he didn't save 96/102 people!
I get it but I kind of wish that they would pay a little more attention to the other things.
Anyways that's my review!
This movie was different from what I really see but it was an experience!
This movie is definitely not for everyone!
wow. I like this review. It's clear the movie made you think a lot about some different issues. Looking forward to seeing it. I love Denzel Washington's acting.