The beginning of the Dark Knight Trilogy, why is the first movie called Batman Begins again?
Rating: PG-13
Time:140 min
Stars: Christan Bale, Cillian Murphy
SPOILER ALERT! It takes a whole movie for Batman to get rid of Scarecrow.
It the Dark Knight it takes him 5 minutes.
When I saw this movie I didn’t really even know who Scarecrow was, and by the end he was my favorite villain.
Even though it looks like to me he is the easiest weakest villain Batman has probably ever fought.
His move is that he gases you with a drug and ruins your life forever.
But who I really think is the bad guy is Liam Neeson.
It starts off with Batman as a child.
And that really starts the whole story.
Then it goes on to become more.
The action scenes are good because it’s the start of Batman and no one really knows who he is.
The movie can get a little confusing at times but if you really pay attention then you won’t get confused.
Then there’s Rachel played by Katie Holmes.
I like Katie Holmes and I liked her in this movie.
I thought the scenery was cool and I thought that Arkahm was AWESOME!
The movie can get a little boring but that didn’t bother me enough to change my opinion on the movie.
I would recommend it to anyone who’s allowed to see a PG-13 action movie.
See this movie it’s not one you want to miss.
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