Finally Netflix brings me something great to watch!
Other then this their movies pretty much suck.
Rating: PG-13
Time: 140 min
Stars: Tom Hardy, Nick Nolte
Before I saw this movie I hated Nick Nolte.
I had never seen a movie where he was really acting (not Arthur) I had only seen trailers.
And in most of those trailers I usually thought he was boring or the bad guy.
Then I see Warrior, then I was proved wrong.
Warrior is about these two brothers, one has came back from somewhere and seems like he has a grudge and the other has a family.
The one who has a family (Joel Edgerton) is in a bad place.
He has no money and the bank will be taking his house.
So he joins a boxing tournament for a prize of 5,000,000$ so does Tom Hardy (the brother)
The acting in this movie was amazing.
If you see Inception Tom Hardy is the bright jokey one in the movie.
Then you see this movie and you see how he can really act, you see his dark side.
He is a man with a grudge and he didn't come to make peace and say hello to his brother.
He came to throw some punches.
Joel Edgerton is a great actor in this movie.
You see that he has a family and you see that he has to do what he has to do to protect his family.
Nick Nolte was great in this movie.
He is sober but you could see that he was a drinker and abused his children.
He's one of those characters that is trying to make things right even though he knows that he's already messed up and he can't rewrite the past.
The story and the plot in this movie was amazing.
It had you holding on to your seat the whole way through.
Then when they fight in this movie it's amazing.
Not only the movie but the fights were written perfectly.
It was choreographed perfectly.
At the end of the fights in wanted to make you stand up and start clapping like crazy.
This movie was realistic, you can't say it's not.
You can't say it's fake, wait what'd you say?
You think it doesn't look real?
Well guess what?
And everyone don't be afraid to admit it, but by the end of this movie your stomach starts to have butterflies or you just tear up.
Well at least to anyone who has a soul.
Even my stomach started to hurt.
Well at least until my cousin poked me in the neck.
I recommend this movie to anyone knows a good time.
Score=THE BEST 9.5
awesome. Let me know when you want to see it again. It just went up on my priority list.