At least Christian Bale doesn't sound like he has throat cancer.
Rating: R
Time: 116 min
Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale
So two days ago I saw Warrior on Netflix.
Today I saw The Fighter.
I thought Warrior was brilliant but my mom and my brother were like "NO! The Fighter's much better! Warrior's just a big bowl of violence!"
But fact is that they hadn't seen Warrior.
So today I will answer that question.
But from my point of view, not theirs.
The Fighter is about a young boxer and his training before the fights.
Now I know everyone's saying that, OMJ Christian Bale was so amazing in this movie.
And I am here to approve their opinion.
Everybody in this movie was great in their role, but he out acts everyone!
Christian Bale was the real Batman in this movie!
He was amazing!
Christian Bale plays Mark Wahlberg's brother and trainer who smokes drugs and gets into trouble.
To me it didn't look like Christan Bale was acting it looked like he was really on drugs!
He definitely out acted everybody else in this entire film.
Then there's Amy Adams.
Personally I loved Amy Adams in this film.
When I saw the trailer I didn't think she would be like how she was, but she acted like the character I didn't think she would be and she did it wonderfully.
Mark Wahlberg was also amazing in this film but you know theirs nothing much to talk about with him.
Then there's Mark Wahlberg's family.
They're the type of family that's turning you down all the time.
They're not really supporting Wahlberg and they're not a good family.
The mom only really seems to care about Batman.
The only person who's really supporting Wahlberg is Adams.
What I loved about this movie is that how they did thee fight scenes.
It really seemed like you were sitting in the audience or sitting at home watching the fight.
It made you wanna jump up and go YEAH!
The only thing that didn't seem great in this movie was the ending.
The end of the movie seems to fast and that like they had already used up to much time of the movie and that they needed to make it fast, rushed and choppy.
And also that there weren't and giant big surprises in the movie.
It was a little predictable.
So which was better to me, The Fighter or Warrior.
They're both great awesome films, I loved them both but I would have to say Warrior.
But still they're both great.
So now the sco- wait!
What's that?
They're mixing the movies together!
They're taking Bale out of The Fighter and Hardy out of Warrior and making a movie with them both!
And it's called... THE DARK KNIGHT RISES!
And the movie review is only 4 posts down!
Well it must've been amazing!
Anyways the score for The Fighter.
P.S. Warrior movie review is 2 post down.
I'll have to see Warrior to form my own opinion regarding which is better but I LOVED The Fighter. Christian Bale might be bat-wacky nuts in real life but he can act like nobody!