Ehhh, it was okay.
Rating: R
Time: 112 min
Stars: Woody Allen, Jesse Eisenberg
Really, R?
To me this movie would be PG-13 and if there were PG-7.
Now lets start with the bad things.
ALEC BALDWIN!!!!!!!!!!
His part was unimportant and ruined the movie for me.
It was like they had no use for him.
They just put him in the movie because he was really famous.
But what I bet Woody Allen was thinking was... "OH Woody Allen, he's famous! Let's just put him in the movie for no exact reason." OK!!
So there you go, Alec Baldwin was terrible in this movie.
There are four stories in this movie and half of them have no reason to be in there.
And there are some things in this movie that are so dumb but I can't explain unless I spoil the movie.
This movie really had no purpose to be a movie.
Maybe that's Woody Allen or maybe this movie really did suck that much.
The people in this movie were terrible, not the acting just the characters.
Jesse Eisenberg's character sucked.
But then again I can't say anything unless I spoil it.
I never got really connected with anybody on screen.
They were all butts and I didn't have time to think about one until the next story had already started.
That's another thing I didn't like about the movie.
It felt forced to me.
I thought it went by to fast and I thought that Woody Allen was just forcing some things in there.
Now the good things in this movie.
The humor.
There were some laughs in this movie.
Some of them were really dumb but there were some times I laughed out loud.
I would have to admit, some funny scenes in this movie that were entertaining.
And that's another thing.
The movie was entertaining, I never got bored.
So if your looking for a movie because you've seen every other movie or you like movies that over react everything...
Wait a week and go see Expendables 2
yeah, I thought it was pretty meh too. I laughed at your last line about wait to see Expendables 2.