“I want my phone call, I want it I want it, I want my phone call.”
Rating: PG-13
Time: 152 min
Stars: Christan Bale, Heath Ledger
Is that lipstick around his mouth or blood?
When I saw that Heath Ledger was in this movie as Joker I was like “seriously?” the guy who was in “10 things I hate about you”
But then I saw the trailer.
Oh god, this movie’s going to be AWESOME!
And I was right.
Joker was the perfect mixture of funny and murder.
He was all I wanted from him and maybe even any villan.
There are some times in this movie where I laughed because of him.
I bought the movie and one day and I went to every part in the movie with Joker in it because he’s that entertaining and makes the movie that much better.
And his makeup is one of the best I’ve seen.
I could talk all post about him but I have to go on with the other things in the movie.
In the first movie Katie Holmes plays Rachel in the second Maggie Gylenhaal plays Rachel.
I always hate when they do that.
I personally think that Katie Holmes is better.
Not only because I think she did Rachels character better but also because her lines are much better.
Then there’s Two-Face, and his makeup looks even better then the Jokers!
I’m not talking Tommy Lee Jones makeup; I’m talking real makeup!
Two-Face is seriously evil in this movie.
He flips a coin to see if you die or live, he’s all chance!
The only thing I wanted more from him was to see him more.
But seriously, I’d rather run into Joker then him.
The lines in this movie are really brilliant.
They’re really smart and make the movie much better.
It’s a movie if you see again and again and again you still won’t get bored of.
The movie is really brilliant and I think that everyone that can see a movie with a crazy clown and a derranged half face freak then you have to see this one.
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