Wednesday, August 25

Dream On

Well, well, well.
It's the end of summer in two weeks.
Now I haven't been posting this whole summer beside Spain.
But you know it's summer so I need a break too.
But just to tell you guys I'll be posting like mad when I'm back in school.
I'm going to 4th grade.
You may be going somewhere else or already started school.
Well it has been a good summer to come up with a horrible school year!
Because school will always stink no matter what year it is and summer will always rock.
But now, this summer is the past.
But you can always dream.
Dream on.
Dream on.
Dream on...


  1. I bet school won't be so bad after all. It would be nice to get a brief summary of what you did this summer. You've been very busy and I bet people would be curious to hear.

  2. ps: that is a GREAT photo. Did you take it?
