Thursday, March 29

Movie Review: Friends With Benefits

Mila Kunis, best actress in the WORLD!!
Especially in this movie!

Rating: R
Time: 109 min

This movie was great!
In some ways...
The action was intense and graet but the story in general was terrible.
Mila Kunis is hot but she acts like a New Yorker when really she is such a Calafornia gal!
So the acting and story wasn't great and I have to say it wasn't well written.
It was an okay movie not the best but you know is was a little entertaining.
The plot stinks and Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis are not buisness people either so that was hard to believe.
so my rating for this movie is...


Anyways the next movie is a drama and everyone LOVES it.

Wednesday, March 28

Movie Review: Attack The Block

What do you do when you're running from an carnivore alien with glowsticks as teeth?
You turn on the lights then kill it.

Rating: R
Time: 88 min

Attack The Block was amazing!
The idea of the story was really well written!
It's great how any day people have to kill monsters.
And this movie is not loud and they don't have guns which makes it really unique.
The fact there is so many unexpected things makes it awesome!
And that it is not super scary so a kid who knows language can see it!
The actors are really good and their accents are thick and make the movie funnier and better!
It's great how they mix action with comedy.
And this is not one of those terrible loud Hollywood movies!
It is a wonderful movie and it is definetly my favorite!
You should see this movie, you will love it!
The cameras were really well shot!
This is not a waste of money!
It is definetly worth it and you should see it!
Anyways my rating from 1-10, 1 the worst 10 the best is...


The next movie is a movie on DVD and stars Justin Timberlake.

Tuesday, March 27

Movie Review: The Hunger Games

When you just come out of a movie and there's a whole line of girls waiting for the next movie it's not weird.
It's just the Hunger Games.

Rating: PG-13
Time: 142 min

The Hunger Games is a movie with lots of action and killing.
And I don't know how they make that NOT scary.
Well if you're wanting a movie that looks scary and stinks, then you want the Hunger Games!
The actors were well fit for their part but the people are terrible characters!
It was an okay movie but the book was TERRIBLE!!!!!!!
I disliked the book and maybe that's why I didn't like the movie much.
Who likes it when kids kill each other?
What if you were in that competition!
Anyways the rating for this movie is,


Anyways the next movie is my favorite movie!

Monday, March 26

Movie Review: A Thousand Words

There, now I just have 990 words until I die.

Rating: PG-13
Time: 91 min

A thousand words got terrible ratings!
Ratings so bad it went through the roof!
Critics didn't like it, people didn't like it.
I feel like I'm the only one who liked it.
The movie is dumb.
It's an Eddie Murphy movie definetly!
It kind of is the same thing as every other Eddie Murphy movies
And in those movies he screams constantly.
So I don't know how they made him be quiet in this movie.
Probably a stunt double?
Anyways the reason I liked this movie was because the jokes and the whole story is unique.
His assistant who pretends he's from the guetto all the time is funny but annoying.
But I do have to admit the writing was terrible and the ending was probably one of the worst endings ever!!
But e acting was good and it was funny so props to you on that!
And so my rating is...


Anyways the next movie is a movie based on a trilogy that I just didn't like!
I read the book and I saw the movie, both terrible!
But I did like the movie more because the ending wasn't as bad as the book where it was just TERRIBLE!!
So good bye and may the odds be in your favor!

Thursday, March 22

Movie Review: The Artist

The Artist was a silent film.
So you prayed you didn't sit next to some one who's loud.
I did.
I'm unlucky.

Rating: PG-13
Time: 100 min

The Artist was a TREMENDOUS movie that was spectacular in all ways.
It is a black and white film which makes it even better!
The story was amazing with all these twists and turns.
The actors were amazing!
My personal favorite was Uggie (The dog.)
That dog was so good in the movie with all his tricks.
It was funny and silent at the same time!
Tremendous movie you should go see it!
Not a waste of money or time!
All would love this except if you're sitting next to a loud person.
So my score would be,


Anyways the next movie got terrible ratings and I feel like I'm the only one who liked it.

Wednesday, March 21

Movie Review: Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol

Mission Impossible was kick butt!
It was so awesome how he ran up the side of the building!
The movie was totally entertaining and super awesome!

Rating: PG-13
Time: 133 min

The whole story was mixed up and the plot was confusing.
It was a movie where you only think about the action.
The movie was okay.
Not the best.
So my grade for the movie is


The next movie is a silent movie.
That pretty much gives it all away.

Movie Review: The Lorax

The Lorax...

Rating: PG
Time: 86 min

The Lorax was a Dr. Suess movie.
It was a cartoon.
It was a Lorax movie.
The Lorax was a lot of things...
If you are a tiny little baby kid who knows nothing and just goes to a movie to go to it, you'll think this is entertaining.
But everybody older and smarter then then that would know that this movie STINKS!!!
The way they tell the movie was terrible and actually the whole plot of the movie stunk.
There's two stories both stink.
One is the story about the Onceler.
And the is about the pretty boy that claims he's not on the other side.
The movie's terrible and Zac Efron is terrible.
This is probably the worst movie I have ever seen.
It is nothing like the book.
The books good.
It stinks.
I recommend this movie to any kid that wants to buy these tickets to really sneek into 21 Jump Street.
It stinks.
Don't see this movie.
And my score is...


Anyways tomorrows movie is the 4th of it's own and it kicks B-U-T-T!!!!
see ya!

Tuesday, March 20

Movie Review: 21 Jump Street

Hello persons.
In this time of my life I'm really into movies, so I will be doing a lot of movie reviews.
Let's get started with 21 Jump Street

Rating: R
Time: 109 min

21 Jump Street is super funny with action mixed in.
It is disgusting in some parts but the rest is funny.
In the end there is action which makes the movie even better!
Jonah Hill was okay, he didn't seem so realistic in some parts but the relationship between him and his partner is awesome.
Channing Tantum did a great job on the movie and was funny also.
Jonah Hill plays the part he is meant be!
The plot is pretty dumb but they make hilarious.
There is unexpected twists everywhere and surprises at every door.
Especially the door to the parents bedroom!
It is an action comedy mystery with to great actors.
The movie relates to the original show with Johnny Depp.
I recommend this movie to all Jonah Hill lovers and all party comedy lovers.
This movie is totally Hollywood so if you hate those loud Hollywood movies do not see this.
I recommend this to 14 year olds and up.
And If I had to give this a rating from 1-10 10 being the best 1 the worst its score would be...


Thank you for reading and tomorrow's movie starts with an L and Betty White is in it.
Till next time!

Monday, March 19

People's Top 10 Movies

Hello persons!
Let's get right to it!

  • The Pink Panther 2
  • 21 Jump Street
  • Salt
  • In Time
  • Harry Potter 4
  • Gremlins
  • Real Steel
  • Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade
  • The Artist
P.S. Results may vary

Thursday, March 15

Paris: Day 7

hello persons.
today nothing happened.
we went to the airport and flew back to the states.
anyways bye.
this is the last paris post.
bye. :-(

Tuesday, March 13

Paris: Day 6

the 6 day in paris my cousins left.
so me, my brother, my mom, and my dad went shopping in my moms fav neighborhood.
and i agree with her!
it was niccce!
and you know the book where's waldo in america?
well in france instead of waldo his name's CHARLIE!
that's funny!
anyways BYE!!!

Monday, March 12

Paris: Day 5

Hello persons.
On day 5 in Paris we absolutely did nothing!
All we did was shop around town with my cousins!
But I did taste my first Schwarma!
Anyways, bye!

Thursday, March 8

Paris: Day 4

hello persons!
today is paris day 4!
on the fourth day we first got a taxi and drove around the Arc De Triumphe.
after we circled that we went to the eiffel tower and went on the second floor.
the view was awesome and it was scarier looking up then down!
the line was long so we could stay up there for 15 min.
then we went to the cathedral of notre dame when our cousins suprised us!
the day was awesome!
see ya!

Monday, March 5

Paris: Day 3

hello persons!
today we will continue the paris experience!
on the third day in paris me and my family saw the louvre.
we even took pictures net to the mona lisa!
it was awesome!
and then me and my brother had a sugar war.
thats when we poured sugar on each other.
i won.
the day was super fun and exciting!
see ya!!!!!!!!!!!