Monday, December 19


Hello all fans of this blog!!!!
Well you know what time it is!
The Week Of Christmas!!!
But first our specials!!!
Song: "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town"
Movie: "Elf"
Show: "Spongebob"
So, Where's your spirit!!!??!?!?!?!?!
I know that only 1 or 2 people are looking at this blog now but my present to you is that I will post like I'm posting to the whole world!!!
Like I'm Steve Jobs just more handsome!!
Man I love Christmas!
Waking up in the morning having that special Christmas Gringerbread Man!!
Then jumping on your parents like wild bears and screaming " It's Christmas! It's Christmas!"
Then you go back to the living room and open your presents!
Then you go to your aunt's house and do secret santas!
But probally my favorite part about Christmas is the music!!!!!!!!
But also the worst part is in the beginning where you're wondering what you're going to get!
It stinks the anticipation!!!!
But it's all worth it when you see what you got!
I have that Xbox in my grasp!!!
Yeah that's right!
I want an Xbox for Christmas!
Deal with it!
Anyways, bye!

Tuesday, December 13

Drip Drop! Drip Drop!

Hello all fans of this blog!
I want to make this fast so starting off the post our holiday Christmas specials!!!
The special song is "Do you hear what I hear?"
The movie is "The Polar Express"
And the special show is "That 70's show"

Anyways, my bathroom in my school smells really bad so they tried to fix the pipe.
So when me and the boys in my grade had to go to the bathroom we would have to go to the floor below us.
Anyways, my friend was down there and at the same time there was a kid from 3rd grade too.
But this kid was standing right below of where they were fixing the pipe.
Then out of the unordinary, a drop of pee went splat! On the kids head.

It was revolting!!!


Monday, December 12


"Hey people!"
"Hi me!!!"
"Not me people!"
"You people!"
"Ohhhhhh!!! Duh!"
Anyways many people have been wondering, Why?
Why did I come back?
Why did you miss Thursday's post?
Why are you so handsome?
Today I'm going to be answering those three questions!!
But first...

The song is "Feliz Navidad!"
The movie is "Gotta Catch That Santa Claus!"
And the special show is " The Office"
Now with the post!

Well, I wasn't going to but then I realized that today was the last day that the new twilight movie was showing in my theatre, and I was like OMJ!!!!!
So we went to see the movie and didn't come back until really late.

The real question is why didn't I come back to Xzoomz!
I love Xzoomz!!!
It's not like I'm being paid or anything!!!


Wednesday, December 7

Bieber Story

Before we start our very special Christmas Bieber Story spectacular, our three Christmas specials.
The song of the day is... "Rockin around the Christmas Tree"
The movie of the day is... "A Christmas Carol"
The episode special of the day is "Malcom In The Middle: Christmas Trees"
Now the story!!!!!

I was hired by the New York Government to put up all the Christmas lights on the street.
They said I had to do it in the middle of the night so when people wake up the people are like "Whaat???!!!!"
I said that doing it in the middle of the night was very dangerous, but they just replied with a "Don't be SPOILED!!!!"
Yeah, I think they're idiots too.
Anyways now it's 4 in the morning and I'm crazy tired!
I had 10 poles to do but now it was as dark as black!
I was tying one end of the lights to a pole on the right of the road.
I was struggling with this one because it was dark and I was tired.
Then I smacked myself in the face and remembered that I had a flashlight in my pocket.
I took it out but at the same time kicking the ladder so it smashed to the floor.
"They have all the money in America and you'd expect them to get a better ladder. What idiots!"
I mumbled to myself.
I knew what I had to do but my hands were getting sweaty.
I had to get to one of the poles and untie one of the ropes.
And I thought I was doing good when I finally tied that end of the lights.
But getting to one side was easy because I was already at one side.
I started to untie but the actual lights were cutting my hands at the same time.
When I finally untied it the lights flew down.
Now you think I would smack my head on the pole on the other side of the street.
But right before I was about to hit it I jumped off and landed safely on the ground.
My face during the whole time didn't have a pinch of scare or excitement.
It rather had a face of "My life sucks" sort of thing.
Anyway in my head I thought
"6 times in 2 hours, new record!"
And I walked off into the dark.

Tuesday, December 6


I'M BAAAAAACCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the new and improved X ZooMz!!!!
And everyday Monday-Thursday I'm going to write a post about something weird and unusual that happened or happens in my day!!!
There will be new things on X ZooMz (But not very new!) Like I will be writing a Bieber Story about once a week!
And all this month I'm going to be recommending songs or movies or episodes of a show that relate to CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
To tell you the truth Christmas is my favorite holiday of all time!!
I love when people get in the mood of holiday spirit!!!
Anyways the song for today is "Jingle Bell Rock."
The movie is "Prep and Landing: Naughty vs Nice."
And episode special is "Merry Christmas Charlie Brown."
And now to the story!!!!!!

You know how last year we had ballroom dancing?
Well now we have "Thoughts Of Suicide The Sequel!"
It's this dancing acting thing called BAX!
I mean the principal is a women so she makes do all these things that don't really apply to boys that much, I mean what if they wanted everyone to do football practice once a week for 28 weeks?
Girls would be in pain!!!!!!
But of course, who could be mean to a girl?
They're like a puppy and according to what I've heard we're just Broccoli!!
Everyone hates Broccoli!!!
Anyways it's really crazy how much I hate this thing!
My teacher made a Choice time trophy (You complete a task like being silent in the hallways and we get minutes for fun activities at the end of the week.) Anyways you have to name your trophy and he named this one (I HATE BAX!!!!!!) "Max Loves BAX!"
And by the way my name is not Max!
I told him to get rid of it, but he says he only did it because it rhymed!
What a bunch of lies!!!!!
Anyways there is nothing I can do about it so I guess it's just "Thoughts of Suicide the Sequel!"
And you should've seen the look on my face when I figured out that we were doing a play at the end of the year!!!!
Well let me just say it looked like a rainbow!!!!
Anyways I'm done with this post soooo...