Tuesday, October 26

Changes, And Bieber Poem

Hello all fans of this blog!!
Today there is going to be 2 things that I will write about.
Now number one!
I'm going to be talking about changes.
Number two!
There will be a Bieber poem.
Lets start with changes...
Hello all fans of this blog!!!
Here are some changes of this blog!!!
Number 1 =There will be a new template each Saturday!!!
Number 2=I will not write on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday!
Now to the Bieber Poem!!!!

My name is Dr. Suess!
And here's my new story named
When Your Sad, That's Bad.
So here's my story!!!

Hey guy!
I need to cry.
It's that they won't let me into town, sigh...
I'm shy to ask.
Why can't I complete this task?
McDonalds and all the Ronald's can't too!
Your so spoiled and dumb why can't you? (Justin Bieber!!!!!)
Yes it's SCHOOL.
I think it's not cool.
And this girl!!
She makes me want to hurl!!
Yes I want to go to this place!
It's not my trace!
It's not my face!
I wish I had a beaver!
To slap Justin Bieber.
Oh God!!
This is odd.
I want to go to ATLANTIS!!!!!!!
But my MOM is afraid of the mantis. :(

So how did you guys like my poem?
Okay remember if you guys haven't been checking my blog on a...
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or a Thursday be sure to look down at the other posts.
Bye bye!!

P.S. Whenever there's a Bieber story, poem, ect there will be that same picture.

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